Export Compliance Solutions & Consulting Presents: Navigating ITAR/EAR Complexities, Nashville, TN, April 12-13, 2022

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Export Compliance Solutions & Consulting Presents:

Level II – Navigating ITAR/EAR Complexities


April 12-13, 2022

Nashville, TN




Click here to register online.


CONTACT US with Questions or to Register By Phone: 866-238-4018


Day 1 – Tuesday, April 12th:


·         Keynote: “How to Build a Bulletproof Compliane Program” Debi Davis, Vice President, Global Compliance, TransDigm Group

·         New Guidance on Emerging Technologies

·         A-Z: How to Conduct a Comprehensive Audit

·         “Boots on the Ground: Compliance Highlights from the UTC Consent Agreement” Scott Jackson, Senior Director, Global Trade Compliance, Curtiss-Wright

·         10 Steps to Implement a Successful ITAR & EAR Compliance Program

·         Transactional Testing & Due Diligence

·         Exercise 1: Drafting an Audit Plan


Day 2 – Wednesday, April 13th:


·         The 8 Effective Compliance Habits of an ITAR/EAR Compliance Official

·         Navigating the Complexities of the EAR

·         Using the STA Exception Effectively

·         Exercise 2: Testing Your EAR Prowess

·         Top Ten Violations Under Commerce/BIS Charging Letters

·         Due Diligence: The Importance of Checking Intermediaries and End Users

·         Exercise 3: End User Exercise

·         Sentinel, Blue Lantern Prograns & State/DTCC Company Visits


*agenda topics and timing are subject to change


Small group exercises on both days to help you digest and practice what you learn!


Click here to register today!

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