Export Compliance Solutions & Consulting Presents: 5th Annual ITAR/EAR Symposium, Mastering ITAR/EAR Challenges, Annapolis, MD, October 4-5, 2022

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Export Compliance Solutions & Consulting Presents:

5th Annual ITAR/EAR Symposium

Level III – Mastering ITAR/EAR Challenges


October 4-5, 2022

Annapolis, Maryland


Register today for our 5th Annual ITAR/EAR Symposium


Click here to for more information and to register online.


CONTACT US with Questions or to Register By Phone: 866-238-4018


Day 1 – Tuesday, October 4th:


·         Keynote: Phil Kuhn, Special Agent, Washington Field Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Export Enforcement (OEE)

·         State/DDTC and Commerce/BIS Updates

·         Evolution & Future of Export Controls

·         Cutting Edge Compliance: Why We Need to Safeguard Technical Data

·         Comparison of ITAR Exemptions & EAR Exceptions

·         Exercise 1

·         Developing Export Compliance Policies, Procedures and Work Instructions


Day 2 – Wednesday, October 5th:


·         Drafting the Exemplary Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA)

·         Exercise 2: Agreement Scenario

·         Reporting Voluntary Disclosures Under the ITAR & EAR

·         Are You Secure – Compliance Risks in the Cloud

·         Exercise 3: Determining Corrective Actions

·         Top Ten Violations to Avoid


*agenda topics and timing are subject to change


Small group exercises on both days to help you digest and practice what you learn!


Click here to register today!

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