Question: Just curious if importers are seeing any fines are penalties assessed by US Customs for late ISF filings since the rule went into effect in July. ==========
Question: Just curious if importers are seeing any fines are penalties assessed by US Customs for late ISF filings since the rule went into effect in July. ==========
Question: We are trying to find the best practices for monitoring our Broker’s ISF 10+2 filings. Would anyone be willing to share their processes: How do you manage the ISF process through a Broker? Do you audit the filing data provided by your broker? When do you audit? ***********
QUESTION: In reviewing the ISF reports from the ACE Portal, section 3 of the report has a category “ISF’s Not Measured for Timeliness”. Does anyone know how the section “ISF’s not matched to bills” actually means? Do we need to be concerned about these with respect to any penalty action? **************
Question: Scenario: We send the ISF with bill of lading number 123 prior to sailing and get an ISF accepted message but no bill match in AMS. Three days after sailing, the supplier sends a corrected bill of lading number 456 for this shipment. We update the ISF with bill of lading 456 […]
QUESTION: Just curious what this means to importers. Will all ISF filings that are late, incorrect, etc be assessed a penalty, or is there a potential for penalty if Customs reviews and deems an ISF filing was late or contained incorrect information. ************
Question: Does the membership know if CBP will be allowing a tolerance for compliance in relation to the ISF enforcement set to begin on July 9, 2013? I’ve heard that all proposed penalties will be reviewed by CBP headquarters. I’ve also heard that they may be focusing on those with […]
Question: A broker recently told me that Break Bulk Cargo was exempt from the ISF Filing requirement? Is that correct?
Question: We are going to be selling our plant to another company. Any shipments crossing the border on 7/1/12 become the responsibility of the new plant owner. My question pertains to ISF filings. Since the shipments are coming by vessel and usually take about 30 days to get to the US at the time […]
Question: We are going to be selling our plant to another company. Any shipments crossing the border on 7/1/12 become the responsibility of the new plant owner. My question pertains to ISF filings. Since the shipments are coming by vessel and usually take about 30 days to get to the US at the time […]
Question: Has anyone had any experiences or difficulties with ISF filings being amended after the vessel departs origin? We have a factory that completes a pre-filing on time with estimated values and quantities, and then after the vessel departs an ISF amendment is filed with the final data. To our understanding, this would be considered […]
Question: How does the membership link their ISF filing to the corresponding Customs entry for record keeping purposes?
Question: I need the expert advice and input from the trade community on divesting aGBU and its impact on the ISF process. We are divesting one of our GBUs. I am meeting with a rep of the division being divested to discuss thedivestiture. From an ISF standpoint, what do you think we and they need […]