• New China tariffs

    QUESTION: Where can I find the list of products that China plans to impose retaliatory tariffs on, which was announced Aug 3? I have been unable to find the full Chinese list on US products with HTS codes, that China will implement on August 23rd. Does anyone have the link or an easy method to […]

  • (Another) unintended consequence of Sec. 232 and 301 duties?

    QUESTION: If a US importer provides US produced assists to its CN seller, so that the value of the imported final product includes that US produced dutiable value, the Sec. 232 or 301 10% or 25% duty will in effect apply partly to *US* produced value. Seems ironic? ========== Answers: True but it is what […]


    QUESTION: We utilize five brokers for our imports, some are large brokers. We are seeing anomalies in the data in ACE related to these new tariffs.  Within the data for a given broker, the entered value is sometimes reported on the 1 – 97 HTS line with the new duty on the Chapter 99 line […]


    QUESTION: Does the membership have any insight as to whether or not the Section 232 and 301 tariff hikes affect goods entered into a Maquila prior to the effective date of the tariffs? For instance, if an affected item is entered via a warehouse entry into a Maquila today, and then the tariff increase becomes […]


    QUESTION: Regarding the potential 10% – 25% tariffs on a large number of products from China, would these tariffs to apply to products manufactured in Hong Kong? ********** Answers: No.  They apply to China. *********** Additional duties are applicable to CN origin products, they would not apply to HK origin products. ************ No, the tariffs […]


    QUESTION: Is there a process importers are following to comment on the latest rounds of China Tariffs? ================== ANSWERS: Regulations.gov USTR-2018-0026 ======================== There sure is: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/07/11/2018-14820/procedures-to-consider-requests-for-exclusion-of-particular-products-from-the-determination-of  


    QUESTION: Would the membership advise where we are currently in the Sec 301 additional tariffs announced by the USTR?  As I understand, List 1 was effective 07/06/18 and duty rates are 25%.  List 2 is currently in the comment stage and duty rates are 25%.  The final list, made public by the USTR last week, […]


    QUESTION: Has anyone figured out how to track the impact of the tariff increases? Per entry, per HTS, per anything?   I tried my standard reports in ACE and HTS 9903 comes up with a big fat zero dollar amount …….?! ============ Answers: I am using my broker’s reporting tool to isolate all entries from China […]

  • Miscellaneous Tariff Bill and Section 301

    QUESTION: Are the items on the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill going to be subject to Section 301 duties? ========== Answer: There is talk  that Trump may not sign the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill, because it is counter to his current trade policy. George Tuttle III Law Offices of George R. Tuttle, A.P.C. 1100 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite […]

  • Miscellaneous Tariff Bill and Section 301

    QUESTION: Are the items on the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill going to be subject to Section 301 duties? ========== Answers: From what I’ve read yes the MTB is only for “normal” duties =========== FYI.. It is important to note that the MTB, if enacted, only impacts the Column 1, General rates of duty for covered articles […]

  • Section 301 Product Exclusions

    QUESTION: I have read the instructions on how to submit a request for a product exclusion from the first section 301 List of tariff codes subject to the 25% additional duty rate .  I have not been able to find information on what happens to approved requests.  If a request is approved, will it be […]


    QUESTION: Would the membership advise where we are currently in the Sec 301 additional tariffs announced by the USTR?  As I understand, List 1 was effective 07/06/18 and duty rates are 25%.  List 2 is currently in the comment stage and duty rates are 25%.  The final list, made public by the USTR last week, […]