• sharing 7501 with a domestic customer

    Question: Someone from our logistics team sent a 7501 to a domestic customer.  It was our import, our 7501.  I found out about this too late.  Is this something we should be doing?  I assumed it was an internal confidential document.  Do other importers share their 7501s with anyone that asks?  What is the consensus […]

  • FTZ entries – PGA data on 7501

    Question: Hello, does PGA information need to be listed/printed on an entry summary? If yes, how much detail should be provided on the 7501?  I don’t see any PGA requirements listed in the 7501 form completion instructions. Where can I read more about  the PGA information that should  be reported on an entry/entry summary document. […]

  • Self-filed entry audit process

    Question: As self-filers of US Customs entries, we’ve audited all 7501s created before the entry summary date. With our new Global Trade Management software automating entry creation, we aim to reduce or eliminate pre-summary date audits. While some elements still require manual input, we’re considering quarterly sampling—auditing 5-10% of self-filed entries based on risk. We’d […]

  • Supplier requesting proof of import

    Question: We have a foreign supplier that is requesting proof of import so that they don’t have to pay VAT.  Is this a normal request? I’m reluctant to share our 7501. Answer 1: Hello, In the EU, proof of Export will suffice for such a purpose Answer 2: You would probably be better off giving […]

  • Entry Date -entry Summary Date

    Question: I am seeing variances regarding the 7501’s/3461 provided by my broker, and the dates in the ACE data. Example – Entry Date on 7501 – 8-31, on ACE Data  – 9-1. Entry Summary Date on 7501 – 9-12 – ACE data 9-14. Trying to explain to the bean counters how this affects when duty […]

  • USMCA and Section 301

    Question: CBP has issued rulings that determined that products are eligible for USMCA but also subject to Section 301 duties. Can the membership help in how to prepare the CF7501.   We are having difficulty in identifying just how to report China origin and still claim USMCA.  Thanks. Answer 1: We utilize a maquiladora for repairs […]

  • 7501 Country of Export Definition

    Question: The country of export definition on CF7501 is defined as below: COUNTRY OF EXPORT Record the exporting country utilizing the ISO country code located in Annex B of the HTS. The country of exportation is the country of which the merchandise was last part of the commerce and from which the merchandise was shipped […]

  • CBP ultimate consignee/ right to make entry

    Question: CBP Defines and requires declaration of the “ultimate consignee” at the time of entry.  CBP Directive 3550-079A: The Ultimate Consignee at the time of entry or release is defined as the party in the United States, to whom the overseas shipper sold the imported merchandise. If at the time of entry or release the imported […]

  • US NRIs – right to make entry

    Question: Does a foreign shipper/exporter automatically have the “right to make entry” in the USA as an NRI? Or must it meet the CBP “right to make entry” criteria like any other party (and could potentially be “ruled out”)? Answer 1: Correct.   Importing is not a right; it is a privilege.   Any party wishing to […]

  • can a consignee be US IOR

    Question: Per CBP 3530-002A Right to Make Entry:  only the “importer of record” has the right to make entry. “Importer of Record” is defined as the owner or purchaser of the goods, or when designated by the owner, purchaser, or consignee, a licensed Customs broker. I read this to mean that a CONSIGNEE (US ship […]

  • Known shortage from China prior to arrival

    Question: Our supplier in China was unable to fit the entire purchase order in the container.  Chinese customs already accepted the shipping documents and supplier is unable to revise quantity and value. (over $20 in duty) Can they issue a revised commercial invoice and packing list noting the shortage to the importer to file customs […]

  • Entry: Change Port Before Duties Are Paid

    Question: I understand the port on a 7501 can be changed as long as duties have not yet been paid. I also understand the port cannot be changed as part of a PSC. Can anyone provide the Regulations/ACE reference that states the entry port can be changed if duties have not already been paid? Thank […]