Questiona and answers about 9801

  • 9801.00.2000

    QUESTION: We have goods imported to the US from Asia; duties paid. Then we export the goods to Mexico for storage, not advanced or improved. When we re-import the goods from Mexico to the US under 9801.00.2000; the values of the goods is $11,500 (we paid to the Asia vendor) and the warehousing and handling […]


    QUESTION: 9801 Informal vs Formal entries.  19 CFR 10.1 states the manufacturer’s affidavit (MA) and foreign shipper’s declaration (FSD) are only required to be filed for shipments valued over $2,500.  Additionally, for shipments valued over $2,500 the MA must be signed by a president, VP, secretary, or treasurer of the corporation, or may be signed […]

  • 9801 VS 9813

    QUESTION: I have (dutiable) US origin goods entering the USA to be repaired and returned to the foreign country. Can I simply use 9801.00.10 instead of 9813.00.05 TIB? =========== Answer: Yes

  • Component Returns under 9801

    QUESTION: A finished machine is exported from the US. No Drawback is claimed. Within a few months the customer sends a faulty component of the finished machine back to the US. The component could then be repaired and sent back. Or a replacement could be sent to the customer. We understand the various 9801 suffixes […]

  • 9801 claim

    QUESTION: Can we claim 9801 with the part number change?  It is the same part, but just put through testing.  If so, what do we use for back up?  The foreign shippers dec would show part 556, but the certificate of origin from the supplier will show part 555 which is a contradiction. ========== Answers: […]

  • 9801 Foreign Articles Exported and Returned w/o Advance in Value

    QUESTION: Is it possible to re-import items duty free, that are foreign made items purchased from our suppliers – which we exported to a foreign location and now the foreign party wants to return them to us for credit?  We were not the original importer into the U.S.  Can we avoid duty using proof of […]


    QUESTION: When claiming 9801 on goods returning to the US,  a foreign shipper’s declaration is required.   Where in your organization does the responsibility lie in obtaining this declaration,  does it reside in the RMA process?   Is it a contractual requirement outlined in the contract with your customer?   Or does the import personnel […]


    QUESTION: 19 CFR part 10.1 and 10.8 outline the declaration requirements for domestic goods returning or goods returning after repair/alterations. These requirements have always been in place,  however not highly enforced by CBP (in my experience)   CBP in some ports is starting to enforce these requirements for the declarations when using 9801 or 9802. […]

  • 9801 VS 9803

    QUESTION: We have reusable plastic containers and trays that are shipped to and fro.  They are not individually labeled or tracked nor do we wish to do so.  However, the duties were harsh and our broker recommended using 9801 (specifically 9801.00.1010) instead of 9803 (which we had briefly considered, but decided it was way too […]


    QUESTION: Our company is an NRI in Canada, with a 3PL handling our distribution in Toronto.  Each month, we have a large number of product that is returned to our DC in the US.   These products are US goods, produced by our company in the US.    They are not advanced in production, damaged, […]

  • NEW 9801.00.10 US Goods Returned REGULATIONS

    QUESTION: With the new regulations under 9801.00.10, I’d like to ask the membership what issues they’ve been experiencing at different Customs ports throughout US and what documents CBP has been requesting **************** Answers: Our express broker which uses any one of multiple ports for clearance (ex: Memphis, Anchorage, Newark) requests Manufacturer’s Affidavits and Foreign Shipper’s […]


    QUESTION: Has anyone in the membership tried to enter a non-US origin good under 9801.00.10? This language makes it seem possible:  “or any other products when returned within 3 years after having been exported.” What kind of proof have you had to produce?  Export commercial invoice, AWB, ITN, etc?  Any affidavits? ************** Answers: The phrase […]