Questions and answers about ACE

  • Change in company name due to acquisition

    Question: My company which has 2 US locations, each with their own EIN and ACE account, has recently been purchased by another company that does not have an ACE account.  How do I change the existing 2 ACE accounts to the new company name with my new e-mail address? Answer 1: The company acquiring you […]

  • New Ace requirement

    Question: Does anyone have any additional information on a new requirement (next year) for upcoming U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) eFiling requirements? The program will require a digitized Certificate of Conformity (COC) to be sent to U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s ACE system via the CPSC Product Registry before manufactured goods arrive at first […]

  • ACE Reporting

    Question: Hello Members, Is there documentation or training instructions available to support the new BO4.3 ACE upgrade for reporting? If so, please share the link(s). Answer 1: Below is a link for training and references. ACE Training and Reference Guides | U.S. Customs and Border Protection ( Answer 2: Yes, on the training page. […]

  • Specific Ace Data Elements by Report

    Question: Hello, does anyone have a directory on which report in Ace can pull what data elements? I am looking for Related Party Indicator and cannot find a report in Ace that will pull this.  Why isn’t there a map to help identify which reports house which info, or is there? Thank you Asked by: […]

  • IOR/EIN Cleanup

    Question: Hello, We are consolidating our IOR/EIN numbers as we’ve discovered that our accounting department is not using them to differentiate between divisions anymore for tax purposes, and the Trade Compliance department has no need for this breakout, either, for a variety of reasons (parts used cross division, no field in ERP to track parts […]

  • Merging ACE accounts

    Question: I would like to “merge” several ACE accounts, I currently have ACE accounts across n+1 importers.  All of the importers are ultimately owned by the same holding company (which does not conduct any import or export business of its own).  When I wish to extract data (which I do a couple of different extractions […]

  • ACE – Adding a user

    Question: Today I added a user however the user did not have the normal links such as going back to the legacy ACE.  Has the method of adding a user changed?Thank You Answer 1: The interesting thing about adding a new User in ACE is that we administrators don’t see what happens on the User […]

  • Reports Launch Tool in the ACE Portal

    Question: Is anyone having issues with accessing the Reports Launch Tool in the ACE Portal?  We have not been able to access reports since 1/1/24.  How did you resolve the issue? Answer 1: I have and I had to contact them to resent my account: ACE Support U.S. Customs and Border Protection 1-866-530-4172 option […]

  • Findng notices of penalties and mitigations in ACE

    Question: Is it possible to find all notices of penalties and mitigations within ACE?  Management wants a review and a running log, we have had a few ISF penalties (all mitigated down considerably), but I have not kept a log. Answer 1: Your bond company should be able to provide a report of Liquidated Damages […]

  • Access to ACE

    Question: A previous employee opened an ACE account and has since left the company. I’ve just started this position and no one has any information on the login information. Do you all have any ideas how I would be able to gain access? Answer 1: Reach out to your CBP National Account Manager, if you […]

  • Adding IOR Suffix to ACE Export Reports

    Question: What is the best procedure for adding IOR Suffixes to ACE for the reports AES – 202 and AES – 203?  Do I need to email ACEAPPLICATIONS@CBP.DHS.GOV?  I have looked in the ICPA library and do not find any recent posts on this issue. Answer 1: I believe just like setting up an account, […]

  • USCBP ACE reporting functions

    Question: Has anyone else noticed a very significant degradation in the functionality of ACE reporting.  I run reports I have built that normally take less than 30 seconds to return results, and they return nothing for very long (ie approaching an hour) time periods.  ACE support as usual is unable to even to detect an […]