Questions and answers about ACE

  • ACE Report to Verify CBP Bill Paid/Received

    QUESTION: Is anyone aware of an ACE Report available that will verify, by bill or entry number, our payment of a CBP bill has been received and applied?  These are paper bills (CBP Bill Form (10/2021) for supplemental duties/fees assessed upon liquidation/reliquidation for which we pay by paper check.  We obtain a POD that the […]

  • ACE account new IOR suffixes

    QUESTION:  We recently created 2 IOR suffixes, we went through the steps needed to create the suffixes.  We have a problem, we cannot see those two IORs on our ACE portal account, we have called Customs ACE support but nobody seems to know why we can’t see the new IOR.  The only information that that […]


    QUESTION: I would like to ask the membership if there is an ACE report that has the related party indicator as a data point that is available to add (or an entry report that would list this data point).  *********** Answers: Hello! The various entry summary reports (ES) do have an option for the related […]

  • ACE report question – supplier invoice number

    QUESTION: Does anyone know of an ACE report that includes the supplier’s invoice number?   Is it even a data point option that can be added? ========== Answer: I’m not positive, but this seems highly unlikely as it is not a required 7501 field. If there are better shipment release reports, it might be on there, […]

  • Internet browser for ACE

    QUESTION: The ACE help desk to me that ACE Reports works best in Microsoft Edge.  I read that the CBP Forms application only runs in Chrome or Firefox .  Is this correct?  ========== Answers: As of April, CBP has integrated Edge since explorer will not longer be sported by Microsoft as of June 2022. Chrome […]


    QUESTION: I am trying to find or build a report to show Sec 232 exclusion IDs and the quantities imported against it. The Trade Remedy report does not seem to have up to date information.  I ran a Trade Remedy report today and a specific exclusion does not show being used to date and we […]

  • ACE report Daily Statement Entry Summary List issue

    QUESTION: Is anyone else having trouble with the REV-103 Daily Statement Entry Summary List report in ACE? I have been getting an error when I try to run it for the past several weeks. I am trying to view our entries that got paid on our March monthly statement. I contacted the ACE reports email […]


    QUESTION: I am looking to add fields to the standard  ACE ES-002 import report to include the DDTC ITAR data fields, such as where the broker declares an exemption code OR a DSP 73 license #.  In looking at the universe I don’t see fields obviously labeled for this.  The only field I see is:   […]

  • ACE – set up as FTZ

    QUESTION: The company for which I work is set up as an importer in ACE, but I see nothing in there showing us as an FTZ.  Can anyone advise how I can set this up?  We need our expanded 9 character zone ID for our 214’s, and the only way I see to obtain this […]

  • New ACE Capabilities

    QUESTION: Is there any use as of yet for the New ACE Portal? It does not look like I can run any reports, view ACH statements, respond to CF 28’s/29’s or manage users (I’m TAO). The only thing I can see are my company’s account types and their ID numbers. ========== Answers: You have to […]

  • ACE Account User Email Updates

    QUESTION: Does anyone know how to update existing ACE account users emails? %%%%%%%%%% It has to be done through ACE Support ================================================================ You’re asking how to update your own email address….once logged in?  It’s in your address book profile settings, bottom left.  One must self-update his email – the TAO cannot do that. ==========

  • ACE Reports in the New Portal

    Question: How do I access my reports in the new ACE portal? Do the reports I have saved need to be migrated to the new portal? My reports have been coming back blank when I try to run them in the legacy version, has this happened to anyone else? %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: Yes…you can access through […]