• ACH & PMS Management

    Question: My company is entering into an ACH & PMS program with a broker for the first time.  I’m tasked with building the internal processes and systems to manage and oversee the program. What tips, useful information, ideas, and/or words of caution do you have about managing ACH & PMS with a broker? Answer 1: […]

  • ACH Refunds

    Question: Is it possible to receive refunds from Customs via ACH? I have been advised it is not and that all refunds must be sent via check; however, I noted the following application process for refunds on CBP’s website: https://www.cbp.gov/trade/automated/ach/refund Are there certain limitations to what can be refunded using this process? I am interested […]

  • ACH Refunds for Duty Overpayment

    Question: My company is currently receiving physical checks for refunds related to the overpayment of duty but would like to apply for ACH refunds. Are there any limitations to the ACH refund process? Is there anything that should be considered before we apply for ACH refunds? Answer 1: I recently signed up for ACH refund […]

  • ACH Payments

    Question: Our company is new to the use of the monthly periodic statement process. Can anyone share best practices used to reconcile the monthly payments with actual entries? (using ACE reports or other) Answer 1: Obtain a list of entries and duties along with MPF, HMF and other fees included in separate columns in excel […]

  • Broker paying ACH under PMS Question

    Question: Is it possible for our broker to pay via their own ACH? As the Importer, we are not setup to pay CBP via ACH. Our broker is stating they pay via ACH. Would it be possible for our broker to be paying on ACH under PMS? My question is if they setup themself up […]

  • PSC paid by ACH

    Question: We’ve had PSCs which were not paid via ACH.  How do we address to have adjusted duties owed to be paid on the PMS via ACH? Answer 1: Your question isn’t 100% clear but I believe you are saying that you submitted a post summary correction which caused additional duties to be owed to […]


    QUESTION: We are looking at self filing for all of our 12 IORs;  currently we use brokers to pay duties.  As the parent company, we have one ACH account and our treasury department wants to use one bank account to pay CBP via ACH debit for each of our IORs.  At this point, they refuse […]


    QUESTION: We are looking at self filing for all of our 12 IORs;  currently we use brokers to pay duties.  As the parent company, we have one ACH account and our treasury department wants to use one bank account to pay CBP via ACH debit for each of our IORs.  At this point, they refuse […]


    QUESTION: We are looking at self filing for all of our 12 IORs;  currently we use brokers to pay duties.  As the parent company, we have one ACH account and our treasury department wants to use one bank account to pay CBP via ACH debit for each of our IORs.  At this point, they refuse […]


    QUESTION: Our company is gradually getting set up on ACH debit for all our imports. Tons of EIN to handle.Recently, an import for one of the already set up EINs could not go through ACH (debit); the broker received an error message saying the EIN was not part of the PMS (Periodic Monthly Payments). Question: […]


    QUESTION: We are trying to research the ability to consolidate ports for our Customs ACH statement and wondering if the community is able to point us in the right direction. ************* Answers:We pay on average about 15+ ports per month on ACH PMS and each port submits their own statement daily and monthly.  The payment […]

  • ACH SET-UP CF 5106

    QUESTION: We are trying to set up our company on ACH (mulitple divisions) .After sending form 400 and being asked for a 5106, all has been going smooth and the PUN was finally obtained for some of our divisions. We then continued to go one EIN at a time for the next batch of divisions […]