• ADD / CVD Q&A 10

    We’ve been trying to raise awareness with our business units as to the extremely high rates of duty & interest we pay on antidumping bearings and push them to shift to domestic sourcing (we import very expensive ball bearings for an item of large industrial equipment from our sister plant in a country under an […]

  • ADD / CVD Q&A 11

    May I please have your kind assistance? We have been asked by the US Trade Commission to provide information on steel products subject to ADD/CVD that were imported from certain countries from 1999 to current day. What is the best way to collect this information as currently our internal systems do not efficiently capture it. […]

  • ADD / CVD Q&A 12

    Can members with products subject to CVD Case C-580-851 advise if they are considering products under the new multi-chip 8542.89.9300 subject to the order?

  • ADD / CVD Q&A 14

    Prior to the 2007 HTS changes the HTS requiring DRAM certification were relatively few, now that the 2007 HTS has been implemented they are asking for DRAM certificates for almost 3 times as many commodities. I’ve repeatedly asked them to share with me where they are getting this information (i.e. ABI message?), if there has […]

  • ADD / CVD Q&A 15

    Does anyone in the group know of an easy to understand document or book that explains the ADD / CVD process? Or, does anyone have a document that they could share that discusses the process? I have a copy of the ADD/CVD handbook issued by the ITC but it is not a very easy to […]

  • ADD / CVD Q&A 16

    QUESTION ON ADD REFUND: We paid ADD as IOR on 3 railcars shipped from Mexico. The material has been rejected by the customer and returned to the supplier. What is the best way for us to get the $26K of ADD reimbursed?

  • ADD / CVD Q&A 19

    When reading an antidumping duty order, it states specific ADD rates for specific exporters in a country. It will also give a general, usually higher, rate that does not list specific exporters/manufacturers. 1. Does this general rate apply to any and all “other” manufacturer’s of the product described in the scope even if they are […]

  • ADD / CVD Q&A 20

    Can any member provide me with more information, or a source for confirmation, on the following. I was told today that Customs is liquidating ADD entries, based on the ‘shipper of record’ or ‘invoicing party’ (such as a trading company) vs. the actual Mfg of Record, even if provided at time of entry. Their explanation […]