• ADD Scope & Circumvention Order

    QUESTION: The company I work for recently imported in material that may be subject to ADD. OVERVIEW: • ADD order is in place for finished items classified under Chapter 85 that are sourced from China. • There is a circumvention order specifically called out to one supplier of these finished items located in Germany. The […]


    QUESTION: We plan to import a wood cabinet that is subject to an antidumping order from China. However, the cabinet is going to be used as a sample only. Is there an exception allowed for importing samples of products subject to AD/CVD orders, so the importer doesn’t have to pay the AD/CVD tariff ========== Answers: […]


    QUESTION: Orders A-570-898 and C-570-991 both cover chlorinated isocyanurates from China. Are importers responsible to comply with both orders or there is prevailing of one over another? =========== Answer: Yes, a product can be subject to both Antidumping and Countervailing duties. If your product is in scope of both orders, then you must pay both. […]


    QUESTION: Can you please advise if there is a procedure for AD/CVD that any of you internally have? How do you catch those products? Do you review the product list and flagged HTSUS for AD/CVD or review the case and the scope only when your customs broker contact you? ************* Answers: Our company has an […]

  • AD/CVD Procedure in Companies/Importers

    QUESTION: I have a general question. How are companies review AD/CVD? Do they have a process/manual? If so, can you please let me know what kind of process/procedure do you have in place? I review the product and the scope of the case only when my customs broker contacts me for AD/CVD. ========== Answer: Ideally […]

  • AD/CVD Procedure in Companies/Importers

    QUESTION: I have a general question. How are companies review AD/CVD? Do they have a process/manual? If so, can you please let me know what kind of process/procedure do you have in place? I review the product and the scope of the case only when my customs broker contacts me for AD/CVD. %%%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: We […]


    QUESTION: I have a general question. How are companies review AD/CVD? Do they have a process/manual? If so, can you please let me know what kind of process/procedure do you have in place? I review the product and the scope of the case only when my customs broker contacts me for AD/CVD. ========== Answers: We […]

  • AD/CVD for components

    QUESTION: Regarding importing from China into the US a completely assembled machine, all components of which are fabricated and assembled in China: The fully assembled machine itself is not within the scope of any AD/CVD orders; however, some of the components of the machine do fall under the scope of AD/CVD orders. If said AD/CVD […]


    QUESTION: C-570-052 & A-570-051 the information is the same as A-570-970 & C-570-971? These cases below are inactive, do you understand the reason of these cases? A-570-986 C-570-987 ****************** Answers: The AD/CVD cases A-570-970 & C-570-971 are for Multilayered Wood Flooring and cover a different scope than the cases in C-570-052 & A-570-051 which cover […]

  • ADD goods exported from FTZ’s

    QUESTION: We have a product that is made from a direct material subject to ADD. The ADD is incredibly prohibitive to our business. Approximately 1/3 of all of our finished product that uses this direct material is subsequently exported. I’m aware that imports of ADD/CVD goods into an FTZ are entered under privileged foreign status […]


    QUESTION: “Initiation of anti-dumping duty investigation” means just that, right?  That they’re starting an investigation and NOT that ADD duties apply yet. ************* Answers: Correct.  Nothing in effect until the final report comes out and there are findings to support the implementation of the CVD rate and the scope of the CVD action. ************** Correct, […]


    QUESTION: We are looking into the prospect of buying wardrobe accessories from China but they are all coming up under the aluminum extrusion order regardless if classified under rattan, steel, etc. They are all under subheading 9403.90., and some of the items such as a trouser rack do fall under the scope as the frame […]