Questions and answers about AES

  • Destination Change, EEI Corrections

    Question: 15 CFR §30.9 states that the EEI shall be filed with the information known at the time of export.   If the customer and their logistics provider change the destination weeks later en route to the port to support their supply chain, does the EEI need to be updated with the information of the new […]

  • AES

    Question: I need help to clarify AES EEI data reported for the shipping weight. Do I include the pallets and dunnage? is that consider part of normal packaging? Definitions: *15 CFR 30.1(c) “Shipping weight. The total weight of a shipment in kilograms including goods and packaging.” EEI Data Elements: EEI Data *15 CFR 30.6(a)(16) “Shipping weight. […]

  • AES Filings with Mexico Carrier SCAC Codes

    Question: When filing AES for cross border shipments, regulation requires declaration of the carrier that is transporting the goods across the border.   If transportation ends for us at delivery of US Broker, and broker has multiple carriers moving cargo, how are you receiving information for the correct carrier? Answer 1: It sounds like you are […]

  • ITN & Argentina Customs

    Question: Hello Members: A day ago, I was informed by our customer in Argentina that their customs was holding up a shipment because the document does not show an ITN number.  I said that there is no ITN number for the shipment is less than $2,500 USD, therefore an exemption was used and a filing […]

  • AES EEI filing

    Question: The regulations are clear that an AES EEI filing is required regardless of value for licensed shipments. Is an AES EEI filing required whenever a license exception is used regardless of value (e.g., GBS for a shipment valued at $500 to a Wassenaar member country)? Or does the AES EEI filing only need to […]

  • New EEI AES State of Origin / USPPI State Mismatch

    Question: If you have multiple Distribution Centers and one Employer Identification Number (EIN) number, are you starting to file EEIs with mis-matches between USPPI EIN numbers reported when your Distribution Center (DC) State of Origin differs from your USPPI entity? 15 CFR 30.6(a)(1)(iii) says you have to use your EIN#. The FAQ says “Resolution: The State […]

  • AES Filing for Foreign Port of Unlading – Transshipment

    Question: Please note: This question already went out earlier but the link to answer it was broken, it is fixed now. Thanks – ICPA Team The Census Bureau recently informed us that the foreign port of unlading is the port where the goods are first removed from the original vessel that exported from the US. […]

  • AES Direct UI new link in ACE

    Question: CBP recently added a new/direct “AES Direct UI” in ACE and instructed us to use it.  When I use it, I do NOT see my company’s (self)  filings.  When I use the “old” method (Legacy Ace, Expoter View, submit AES direct filings), I DO see my company’s (self) filings.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  […]

  • Routed shipment AES filing

    Question: In a routed shipment where the FPPI has nominated a forwarder to handle the shipment, can the USPPI choose to complete the AES filing? Our shipping department handles all AES filings but we have a forwarder pushing back demanding they complete the filing. Answer 1: The better question here is why they are “demanding” […]

  • AES//Other charges

    Question: It is my understanding that AES should include the domestic freight, insurance and other charges at the time of shipping. Can someone let me know which are the other charges? Is there a good website that shows this information? Answer 1: There is no website, just the simple definition of “value” in the FTR […]

  • EEI filing/License Exception TSR (EAR Part 740.6)

    Question: Is an AES/EEI filing required when shipping out some TSR eligible software (ECCN 2D002) to a Western European TSR eligible country (signed TSR Certification letter has been obtained prior to export) and shipment is valued under $2500? Another way of asking: Can we use the low value EEI filing exemption when shipping using TSR? […]

  • AES Filing- Ultimate Consignee

    QUESTION: Our company ships to an international bonded warehouse that is managed by a freight forwarder. The Census AES filing guide has many Ultimate Consignee types listed, including “Reseller- a non-government reseller, retailer, wholesaler, distribution center or trading company” Is there any reason why the AES filing cannot be filed using this bonded warehouse as […]