Questions and answers about AES


    QUESTION: Are shipping and handling charges included in the value of the goods  for AES export filing? Our company charges our customers shipping and a handling fee and I want to be sure our values are correct for export filing. =========== Answers: Well when you say “shipping” fees, the answer is YES but ONLY the portion of shipping […]


    QUESTION: An Aircraft from a foreign country lands at a US Airport, the aircraft engine needs extensive repairs. After the engine is repaired, the aircraft takes off.   The aircraft is not being sold, it is just the repairs. Should AES be filed? =========== Answers: Was this aircraft imported into the US specifically to be […]


    QUESTION: We are recently experiencing AES rejections where a line unit value is less than $0.50. Can someone direct me to where it states the line value must exceed 0.50?  We manufacture orthodontics braces and there are times when the unit value is less than $0.50.  ************** Answers: The AES System works with whole dollars, […]


    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: Is an EEI / AES filing required for shipping metal steel skids back to the origin country. Or as “tools of International traffic” are they considered exempt even if the value exceeds $2500? HTS 7326.90; supposedly there is an exemption code per Census, but wanted to confirm:  FTR […]


    OT Fact Sheet: Origin Certification Requirements QUESTION: I am the USPPI and provided a SLI and commercial documents to a US Forwarder for filing AES. When I requested a copy of the EEI after sailing the Forwarder said it was filed as  *NO EEI REQUIRED SECT. 30.37(A) Sec. which is incorrect as value on SLI […]

  • AES Filing and ITN Numbers

    QUESTION: I have a couple of questions and am unable to determine definitive answers alone. Can you provide insight into the requirements for AES filing of a single HS code containing both Domestic and Foreign country of origin (manufactured) items, where the Domestic value is over $2500, but the Foreign value is less than $2500?  […]

  • AES filing options

    QUESTION: My company is reviewing our current practices for AES Export Declarations.  We are the Exporter and currently pay a provider to file on our behalf. Do any Exporter Members have any experience with developing software to file directly with the government within their own systems?    Or any information on the VAN electronic mailbox and how […]


    QUESTION: We export in bond from our FTZ under the following exemption. I am being questioned if it is valid. Can someone please confirm. Thank you !! AES ITN : NOEEI 30.2(d)(1) Goods shipped under CBP bond through the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands from one foreign country or area to […]


    QUESTION: We sell to a company that has both a US entity and a Chinese entity.  We receive P.O.s from both the Chinese and US entities. When we receive a PO from the Chinese entity, (and are paid from abroad)   we ship these goods to the Chinese company’s freight forwarder in the US, who exports […]

  • Incorrect AES Filing Exemption

    QUESTION: How can an incorrect AES filing exemption be corrected?  NO EEI 307.37(f) was used instead of NO EEI 30.37(a).  Is it necessary to correct this?  What are the penalties? ************** Answers: I’m assuming this is post-export.  Speak to the carrier and see if they can correct the AWB or OBL.  Some will / some […]

  • Updating AES submissions

    QUESTION: Has any member conducted any benchmarking on making updates to AES filings when you find that the quantity shipped is incorrect or that the price on the export invoice was incorrect.  Do you make updates when they are identified or not and do you submit any disclosures when you find there have quite a […]

  • Updating AES submissions

    QUESTION: Has any member conducted any bench-marking on making updates to AES filings when you find that the quantity shipped is incorrect or that the price on the export invoice was incorrect.  Do you make updates when they are identified or not and do you submit any disclosures when you find there have quite a […]