
Questions and answers about Assists – Tooling


    Can someone confirm that payment of wages, to a foreign manufacturer, for working overtime through the Holidays is an Assist? I have never done this before, and it sure sounds like one.  Would appreciate hearing from the membership. Or is there any other items to identify and confirm?


    Can someone offer guidance? It is my impression that we do have an assist, but my broker told me ‘maybe’ ‘maybe not’. What questions am I not asking? We hired a company in “Country A” to do engineering design and development for a specific item we want to supply to the market; We also made […]


    Upon import would testing and packaging need to be declared after the product is built? I know testing prior to transforming the product into something totally different must be declared but what about after the fact?


    I would appreciate input from the membership regarding dutiability of certain payments made in respect of a research/development & application engineering cost sharing agreement between several related companies. All “Group” (US and Foreign) companies share costs and benefits of R&D/Engineering efforts. “Corporate HQ” collects expense data from all “Group” companies, pools costs on a global […]

  • Assists – Tooling Q&A 1

    Our company will be buying fine jewelry direct from manufacturers in foreign countries. We have made an arrangement with a company in India to perform examination of our product for quality assurance purposes. They will be paid for the examinations, just like anyother vendor. My question is: Are their services considered an assist? Technically, they […]

  • Assists – Tooling Q&A 2

    When an item is supplied free of charge or at a reduced value, the value of the item and the cost of extra transportation in supplying it are both added to the final price paid or payable in order to correctly value the item for US Customs. What if the item itself is not free […]

  • Assists – Tooling Q&A 3

    Our company has hired a global procurement consultant to help find suppliers and savings by purchasing overseas. They will be paid a percentage of the actual savings for any new supplier they set up for us for the next 3 years. Will the payment to the consultant for the savings be an assist or a […]

  • Assists – Tooling Q&A 4

    We use the transaction method of appraisement of imported merchandise. We also provide tooling assists to some foreign suppliers. The article 152.103 of CFR states that the apportionment can be done 1) over the first shipment; 2) the number of units produced up to the time of the first shipment; 3) the entire anticipated production. […]

  • Assists – Tooling Q&A 5

    We’re building a framework around the subject of assists and attempting to create a logical questionnaire that will open discussion and discovery about each department and how they procure components in both actual country sourcing and negotiating price. Does anyone in the membership have such a questionnaire they would be willing to share?

  • Assists – Tooling Q&A 6

    Our company is sending a part for tooling repair to a supplier in China. We own the tooling in the U.S., and are supplying the part for tooling repair free of charge. The tooling that will be repaired is used for production of several hundred different parts that are imported into the U.S. How would […]

  • Assists – Tooling Q&A 7

    I was just informed that a committee is looking at “procuring” some engineering work overseas for product our company manufactures. My initial thoughts are that the Compliance Group needs to be aware of this for reasons of calculating %US content, free trade, etc. We also can do a background check on the company prior to […]

  • Assits – Tooling Q&A 8

    Our purchasing group issues a PO and authorizes the payment of an extra charge for tooling. Our Customs group subsequently declares the tooling against the import entries.