
Questions and answers about Assists – Tooling

  • Question on Assists

    QUESTION: I know that “assists” involve the buyer of imported merchandise providing for free or at a reduced cost, certain items for use in the production or sale of merchandise for export to the US.  My question involves the definition of “reduced cost”.  If an importer sells the item at the importer’s actual cost of […]

  • Whether Items are Considered Assists

    QUESTION: I’m finding the following costs associated with the order for casting:ToolingPKG chargeTestingX ray certShipping costNREI’m wondering if all these are considered assist?========== Answer: As a general rule and without additional information on the specific use, all of this would be considered to be supplemental payment related to the production or exportation of the items […]

  • Assists

    QUESTION: Assists- when sending over a mold to make several or more items, do we need to declared the price of that mold for every item that is made from it? Or can we just claim the value of the mold on the first importation of the first item being made with that mold?  I […]

  • Assist Scenarios

    QUESTION: I always thought that in order for valuation assists to be a required addition to the PAPP the importer also had to be the buyer and provider of the item/component/mold etc provided free of charge.   From the ICP Assist booklet – “An assist is any of the items listed below that the buyer […]

  • Assist Evaluation Tool

    QUESTION: There is overseas R&D taking place at two of my company’s overseas subsidiaries. The work they perform contributes to the engineering designs of many of the company’s products, which are either manufactured in the U.S. or manufactured overseas. Overseas manufacturing can take place at a third party subcontractor location, another overseas subsidiary location, or […]


    QUESTION: We are operating currently under a Switzerland entity. The entity is global. Transactions that occur within the entity do not result in a financial transfer occurring on the books. For example, we are physically shipping material under the Switzerland entity in the U.S., to the Switzerland entity in Mexico. We have a value for […]

  • Assists and cost of a feasibility study undertaken overseas

    QUESTION: Is the cost of a feasibility study undertaken overseas, but paid for by a USA company considered an assist? ========== Answers: I think that the answer, in part, depends on who you paid for the study and what the study actually relates to. There is a rebuttable presumption that all payments made by a […]

  • Assist Scenarios

    QUESTION: I always thought that in order for valuation assists to be a required addition to the PAPP the importer also had to be the buyer and provider of the item/component/mold etc provided free of charge.   From the ICP Assist booklet – “An assist is any of the items listed below that the buyer […]

  • NAFTA & Claiming Assists

    QUESTION: We are working to set up a new Supplier in Canada.  The product we will be importing into the US  meets the NAFTA  criteria. We are planning to give  test equipment to this Supplier, at N/C,  to be used to test finished product at the end of their manufacturing process. I am having a […]


    QUESTION: If we paid for a hangtag and ship directly to a supplier and then we bill the supplier and they pay us for the HT, do we still need to claim an assist with CBP ************ Answers: Depends on who pays for the shipping.  If you pay for the shipping and do not charge […]


    QUESTION: I just found out that our company is shipping/supplying US origin components, purchased by my company from a US supplier, free of charge to a foreign vendor.   Upon receipt of the free US origin goods, the foreign vendor further processes the item by filling it with material made in that foreign country.  They […]


    QUESTION: I was wondering if the ICPA community could share how they obtain information needed relating to Assists, Freight, and other charges that are not reflected in the price paid.    Since my organization has many divisions, the details needed to assess whether other payments to suppliers are Assists reside in the Divisions rather than at […]