Audit – Controls

Questions and answers about Audit – Controls


    QUESTION: We have been asked to conduct 100% audit of our files (Consumption and FTZ entries)€Ž, entry volume is high, headcount is low. Other than (e.g. Top HTS, FTA, Entered Value, PGAs, COE, Risk, use of ACE, etc.), any ideas as to develop of audit process that would not be rejected by our manager? Do you have […]


    Question: We are currently auditing our post entry at 100%. We have an actual process in place but I am looking to make it more efficient and present to my manager for approval. Can someone share with me their post entry process? ************ ANSWERS: Our Compliance Department has a goal to audit 100% of the […]


    Question: When we perform audits of our US entries and the documentation we keep a checklist in an electronic database. We also print the completed audit checklists so that they can be signed off by the Compliance Manager. I recently viewed a webinar that suggested that we should not have a paper copy of an […]


    Question: Does anyone have a list of broker compliance areas (or an actual sample audit) that should be considered when performing an internal audit as a self-filer? ***********


      Question:   I use to work for a Fortune 50 Multinational company where my responsibilities included audits/assessments of our overseas affiliates concerning trade and security.  Not that I enjoy flying and traveling, it was part of the job. It’s funny when you pay a visit how many things you can find out. Or, when […]

  • Post Entry Audit Process

      Question: Can someone share with me their post entry audit process?   Or can anyone put me in contact with someone that offers training on setting up a post entry audit program,?  I am interested to know and document 1) how to determine the pool, 2) how to determine the selection criteria, 3) what to […]


      Question:   Does anyone have a metric or process they use to measure the accuracy of their broker, specifically on the accuracy of the preparation of a 7501?   =============

  • CBP Compliance

      Question:   What criteria is CBP reviewing for the 95% compliance requirement other than the following? Is CBP concerned with MID, Related Party and complete entry packets? HTS Duty Valuation   Also, what criteria is BIS concerned with for EAR99 products such as foodstuff other than AES filing for over $2,500 value?  HTS Duty […]

  • Post Entry Audit Process

      Question: Can someone share with me their post entry audit process? Or can anyone put me in contact with someone that offers training on setting up a post entry audit program,? I am interested to know and document 1) how to determine the pool, 2) how to determine the selection criteria, 3) what to […]

  • INTERNAL AUDIT (addtl)

      Question:   I was giving a project to perform an internal Customs Compliance Audit with the help from our internal auditor. I did look up from the CBP site and download some information on regulatory audit requirements.   We have completed our customs compliance manual two years ago. In order to start the internal […]