• CFS vs Customs Bonded Warehouse

    Question: I had a situation where I was trying to locate a bonded warehouse that could accept warehouse entries (type 21). I read through 19 CFR Sections 19 and 144. I did not find clarity in these resources. Not all bonded CFS are Customs Bonded Warehouses (CBW) and able to accept type 21 entries. Not […]

  • Bonded warehouses

    Question: is there a list of bonded warehouses available in the U.S. from CBP, or other source? Answer 1: Yes, download the FIRMs code directory at https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2023-Feb/FIRMS30_0.TXT

  • U.S. Bonded Warehouse Exports to USMCA countries

    Question: I would like to ship unused Chinese-origin goods to Canada from my U.S. bonded warehouse inventory. What is the process for avoiding or minimizing duty? I am getting mixed advice that falls into the following two options; Subject to USMCA do I have to withdraw the goods and pay duty first in the U.S. […]

  • Bonded Warehouse

    QUESTION: Does anyone in the membership have information on how lengthy of a process it is to set up a bonded warehouse and the potential costs associated? ========== Answer: I have two bonded warehouse / CFS applications currently in process. It is a lot of work just getting all of the information that is required […]

  • Bonded warehouse transfer

    QUESTION: Our company is planning to transfer some products from one bonded warehouse in Houston to another bonded warehouse in a different state. Both are 3rd party warehouses for us. The warehouse in Houston suggested the following procedure, advised by two CBP officers according to the warehouse representative: Our broker completes the entry 22 (warehouse […]

  • ANSWERS TO Question on Bonded warehouses and FTZ’s

    QUESTION: How long does it take to get approval from customs for a bonded warehouse? For an FTZ? If I bring raw materials into a bonded warehouse or FTZ and manufacture a new article of commerce within the bonded warehouse or FTZ, (substantial transformation), (not simple assembly, but real manufacturing) what is the origin of […]