
Questions and answers about Boycott


    Question: Can anyone from the membership advise what the potential  violation and associated penalties are for not reporting an anti-boycott statement in a timely manner. **************** ANSWERS: If you’re asking whether you can include a reportable item that should have been submitted in a previous reporting period in a current report, I believe the answer […]


    Question:My company recently opened a sales office in the UAE.  I believe that we are now required to file a periodic report with the Internal Revenue Service with certain information related to the Arab League boycott of Israel.  This is in addition to the BIS Antiboycott regulations. Can someone refer me to a clear description […]


    Question:   I  have a question regarding boycott language on certificates of origin and ocean bills of lading.    A, a US company purchases products from foreign country B and ships direct from B to foreign destination C.  Country B provides A with a certificate of origin and original bills of lading, both containing boycott […]

  • Boycott Q&A 1

    Letter of Credit for Saudi Arabia – Certificate of Origin Documents required – Certificate of Origin – no big deal – but then they ask for a “form no 2” if there are “any parts or components of the goods described in the c/o that are the products of such country …other than the country […]