
Questions and answers about Brazil


    Question: We are pursuing our first real forray into the Brazilian market…  I was curious if something existed similar to a US FTZ.  Where we could import raw materials duty free and then have them assembled into a finished good… then imported into Brazilian commerce.  With the rates of duty being applicable to the finished […]


    Question: Brazil is a member of Mercosur but not a member of the Andean Community (CAN). Mercosur members have been given “associate member” status to the Andean Community. The EU has an FTA with Colombia and Peru.  Some language in the EU-Colombia and Peru FTA indicates that some non Andean Community member countries can receive […]


    Question: Issue: Brazilian Customs apparently has a system where the Brazilian banks and Brazilian customs are linked.  Meaning who you import from is who you need to show as having paid. The Brazilian company requires that the documents show the US company’s name. Scenario: 1.       Goods manufactured in China 2.       Sold FOB HK to a […]


      Question:                     We are seeking information on Free Trade Agreements with Brazil.     Specifically, we would like to know if Brazil has a Free Trade Agreement in place with India, Australia, Costa Rica or Dominican Republic.  


      QUESTION:   Can anyone share their experience with Brazil’s Temporary Import Regime?  We have been operating under the regime for three years and recently we have experienced delays with the clearance of the goods.  Is anyone experiencing anything similar?  Can you share any information?  Can you send me links to Brazilian regulations on Temporary […]

  • Brazil customs regulations

      Question:   Does someone in the membership have a link  to the Brazilian customs regs? I’m looking for a section that details proper country of origin marking.    


      Question:   My company exports to Brazil and we are currently reviewing the requests we have received from our international distribution center there to determine if those requests are based on government standards and regulations or if those requests are based solely on preference.   One such request regards the signing of Commercial Invoices […]


      Question:   My company exports to Brazil and we are currently reviewing the requests we have received from our international distribution center there to determine if those requests are based on government standards and regulations or if those requests are based solely on preference.   One such request regards the signing of Commercial Invoices […]

  • Brazil import duty and tax resource (cont)

      Questions: My company is doing more imports to Brazil if different countries and I was wondering if anyone had a good resource for getting duty rates as well as other taxes that would be assessed?  Would also like to know if the other taxes would be recouped when you sell the product in Brazil […]

  • Brazil import duty and tax resource

      Question:   My company is doing more imports to Brazil if different countries and I was wondering if anyone had a good resource for getting duty rates as well as other taxes that would be assessed?  Would also like to know if the other taxes would be recouped when you sell the product in […]

  • Brazil import requirements

      Question:   Is there an actual regulation requirement in Brazil that the actual manufacturer’s name and address is a must to be shown on the Commercial Invoice for customs clearance purpose in Brazil, or does the importer/broker is allowed to declare the exporter’s name and address (i.e. in USA or EMEA) to satisfy Brazilian […]