Question: The Customs regulations allow for an individual to handle brokerage business in the capacity of representing his or her interests.  Can an employee of a company, especially one that conducts business using several different entities, handle brokerage for that company without an actual broker’s license? *************** Answers: Yes I have done it for 8 […]


      Question:   Can anyone provide a sample questionnaire or explanation/listing of what   should be included in a set of instructions that would be provided to my   customs broker instructions on how to handle my account?   **********

  • Broker – Forwarder Assessment review

      Question:   Would the membership mind sharing their assessment criteria or template when assessing brokers and forwarders?   I need to revamp the assessment that has been in place for years which consisted of simply: Service.  Communicating in a timely manner, is responsive and accessible, provides innovative solutions, administratively meets our needs 

  • Templates for broker management

      Question:   Our Compliance Group would like to put a stronger emphasis on Broker Management in 2012.   Would the membership have samples, templates or best practices to share in the following areas:   Broker Score Cards KPI Broker Management Tools Review schedules   ============

  • Number of Customs Brokers

    Question: What do the members consider to be an ideal number of customs brokers for amoderate size importer to use? Has CBP provided any information orrecommendations on how many brokers an importer should use in order tomanage them effectively? What factors should be considered? We are reluctantto provide one broker with all of our business, […]


    Question:When documenting procedures for a U.S. Export/Mexican Import compliance manual did the membership document the processes/procedures of their Mexican broker in their manual?  Since the role of Mexican brokers is so different from that of U.S. brokers, I can’t help but think that their processes should be mapped out in order to reflect what is […]