Broker – Freight Forwarder Q&A 20
Can someone share a POA that you use for your customs brokers? Does anyone use the POA in 141.32 (form 5291)?
Can someone share a POA that you use for your customs brokers? Does anyone use the POA in 141.32 (form 5291)?
Subject: [Membership] ICPA: QUESTION ON BROKER AUTOMATION CAPABILITIES I am hoping to gain some information and insight regarding broker automation? For example, some brokers provide web based access to entry documentation and data, as well as CDs containing entry images. I have found some that will accept feeds directly from the importer’s parts database to […]
Does any of the membership have a sample brokerage terms & conditions contract they can share? I am specifically looking for contract language where the broker is financially and contractually liable for services performed.
The latest inquiries in the “Answer Database” concerning brokerage RPF templates appear to be focused on the border 6-7 months old. Thought I would give another try. Does anyone have a newly available General Brokerage RFP template they could share? Ie, questions to ask of a prospective broker
We are a large importer, and mainly self-file our entries. We do not currently have contracts where we do use brokers. We are recently seeing brokers, and forwarders, charging us additional fees. For example: – Courier services charging us fees to give us the entry documents required for record retention and audit – Couriers charging […]
Beginning Q1 2007, we will be consolidating our brokers from 6 down to 2. I would like to send out a mass mailing to our suppliers, freight forwarder and existing brokers advising them how to handle documentation, communications, etc. I would like to hear some feedback as to how other companies have handled the same […]
Can someone from the membership share a request for proposal they did for freight forwarders and customs brokers.
I would like to follow up on the recent question on prior disclosure. The person who asked the question indicated “The company trusted their broker and employed no one trained in customs compliance until a few months ago.” We are in a similar situation and are in the midst of a prior disclosure as well. […]
QUESTION ON BROKER CONTRACT TEMPLATE: Would any of the members be willing to a share a broker contract template? Our broker is providing brokerage, reconciliation, and drawback services and I think it’s time that we get a contract.
I’ve been reading 19CFR111.11(c)(2) and (2), 111.19(a) and (f), along =20 with 111.14 and 111.96(a). My goal is to “upgrade” an existing =20 corporation into a customshouse broker. Does anyone have forms or =20 templates or guidance on the procedure in Chicago, IL, port 3901? A =20 national permit is the ultimate goal… RLF, Drawback… […]
How do other importers manage the issues that hold up customs clearance that are communicated by the broker and require immediate resolution? (i.e. missing documents, invoice discrepancies, etc.) Do you maintain a vendor outreach or compliance program to help vendors meet your company’s import requirements to reduce future issues? Do you use a system to […]
I am in the process of evaluating brokers for US imports. I understand you can find the compliance rating for brokers. How do you do that?