Questions and answers about C-TPAT


      Question:   For driver’s making deliveries to our US locations,  our current policy has been to ask for govt-issued photo ID (aka: their CDL). Our guard does a visual of photo vs driver, then logs the  driver name, CDL license#, name of carrier, along with trailer#.   FUTURE: All driver CDLs allegedly have a […]


      Question:   How are other members satisfying the C-TPAT requirement for financial   screening of business partners?  Do you screen them annually?  If so, who   are some of third party companies you use to check financial soundness?   ************

  • SECURITY SEALS-addt’l answers

      Question:   C-TPAT program requires use of PAS ISO 17712 high security seals.   Situation came up with truck shipments from MX supplier to our US location.   Seal is physically applied by our vendor and seal # is logged and included on the B/L generated by vendor.   Does it matter WHO actually […]


      Question:   This is a questions to C-TPAT members. We are a large retailer with several distribution centers.  We are looking to have permanent, part-time, flex employees to manage peek ship seasons or events. My question relates to access control in the distribution centers. We will perform all the normal hiring background checks; however, […]


      Question:   This is a questions to C-TPAT members. We are a large retailer with several distribution centers.  We are looking to have permanent, part-time, flex employees to manage peek ship seasons or events. My question relates to access control in the distribution centers. We will perform all the normal hiring background checks; however, […]


      Question:   The seal should never be provided by the carrier or trucker, but by the shipper who should follow your specific procedures and “minimum requirements”. I know many importers who actually supply seals to their shippers and randomly change type, color or even seal manufacturer to ensure the lowest possible fraud possible or […]


      Question:     I am trying to help management understand the need for visiting factories as a C-TPAT member.  We do have a buying agent, who evaluates each factory for C-TPAT prior to placing any production in the factory, and the buying agent visits the factories annually (at least that is what they are […]

  • C-TPAT validation foreign vendors

      QUESTION:   Would anyone care to share their processes with regards to C-TPAT validation of foreign vendors?  Is this process handled in-house or do you use a third party provider?  Is revalidation based on specific criteria such as volume/spend or simply at predetermined intervals such as every third year? 

  • C-TPAT

      Question: To the best of my knowledge the program is essentially “blanket” in nature….meaning that once a portion of the importer’s supply chain has been validated ( as in a site visit and validation of one of the importer’s foreign suppliers ) the importer is risk assessed at a certain level for their entire […]

  • CTPAT withdrawal

      Question: Has anyone ever voluntarily withdrawn from CTPAT? If so, what response did they get from CBP when they notified CBP of their intent to voluntarily withdraw? Did they see any noticeable difference in how their shipments were treated? ************   


      Question: Hello Members, I am hoping you can share your LTL (Less-than-truckload) protocol (flow map) as it relates to C-TPAT.   We have a clear understanding on how the LTL shipments move/are delivered to final destination, but how we can ensure safety, security, and integrity of our cargo in addition to avoid any liabilities to […]

  • C-TPAT risk suppliers

      Question: Would the membership be willing to share their country risk assessments for China, South Korea and Vietnam?  We’ve determined all three to be “high risk” for the C-TPAT 5 step risk assessment on the basis that contraband smuggling, human smuggling or organized crime are mentioned as “occurring” in the CIA world fact book […]