Questions and answers about C-TPAT

  • C-TPAT

      QUESTION:   I have a questions for those ICPA member who are C-TPAT Certified.  How are you verifying the Social Security Number during background checks?  My understanding is that only a few states have the E-Verify system.  If you are not in one of those states, how do you validate the SSN prior to […]


      Question: Would anyone in the membership be able to share their process outline of becoming C-TPAT to those of us who have yet to become C-TPAT? We are a medium sized company with less than 100 foreign suppliers, and more than a 1,000 domestic suppliers.  We have a staff of 2 1/2, including myself […]

  • C-TPAT

      Question: Does anyone have any information oh the process of appealing the findings of a C-TPAT Validation Report? The only language I can find on the CBP web site says that “Companies that are suspended or removed may appeal this decision to CBP HQ.” and “CBP will decide the appeal in a timely fashion.” […]

  • C-TPAT

        Question:   Does anyone have a C-TPAT Policy and/or Procedures Manual they would be willing to share?   We are C-TPAT certified Tier III.  Our compliance manual references C-TPAT, but we’re looking to develop a policy manual specific to C-TPAT.    

  • C-TPAT

      Question:   We recently had a trailer stolen after it had been imported into the U.S., entry filed and duties paid.  What is the best practice for C-TPAT members to address this type of security breach when it has happened after importation?  


      Question:   Do anyone have a power point training session provided to foreign shippers on C-TPAT requirements that they would be willing to share   ============


      Question: Does anyone have a corporate security policy in which they are willing to share? *************** Answers: See sample attached. *********             http://www.icpainc.org/files/Answer%20Database%20Attachments/ICPA%20-%20C-TPAT%20Policy%20Statement.doc


      Question:   We have been discussing with our procurement and sourcing teams the best way to conduct CTPAT-type security reviews for our international suppliers.   Obviously, not every vendor warrants a full review of their security program.     Can any of ICPA members provide some guidance on how they decide which international vendors will […]

  • CTPAT Validation China

      Question: Am curious to know if any member has had a CTPAT joint validation conducted in China? If so, can you provide any information on how a China validation may have differed from a validation in another country? 

  • Appeal findings C-TPAT validation report

      Question: Does anyone have any information oh the process of appealing the findings of a C-TPAT Validation Report? The only language I can find on the CBP web site says that “Companies that are suspended or removed may appeal this decision to CBP HQ.” and “CBP will decide the appeal in a timely fashion.” […]

  • C-TPAT policy draft

      Question:   Does anyone have a C-TPAT Policy and/or Procedures Manual they would be willing to share?   We are C-TPAT certified Tier III. Our compliance manual references C-TPAT, but we’re looking to develop a policy manual specific to C-TPAT.    

  • Article stolen after import and CTPAT

      Question:   We recently had a trailer stolen after it had been imported into the U.S., entry filed and duties paid. What is the best practice for C-TPAT members to address this type of security breach when it has happened after importation?