Questions and answers about C-TPAT

  • CTPAT dock parking requirements

      Question: Does anyone have information they can share regarding C-TPAT requirements as it relates to parking in or around shipping and receiving docks. We are looking for information about vehicles that may or may not be able to park in shipping/receiving docks areas as well as how far vehicles should be parked from a […]

  • CTPAT dock parking requirements

      Question: Does anyone have information they can share regarding C-TPAT requirements as it relates to parking in or around shipping and receiving docks. We are looking for information about vehicles that may or may not be able to park in shipping/receiving docks areas as well as how far vehicles should be parked from a […]

  • CTPAT dock parking requirements

      Question: Does anyone have information they can share regarding C-TPAT requirements as it relates to parking in or around shipping and receiving docks. We are looking for information about vehicles that may or may not be able to park in shipping/receiving docks areas as well as how far vehicles should be parked from a […]

  • CTPAT dock parking requirements

      Question: Does anyone have information they can share regarding C-TPAT requirements as it relates to parking in or around shipping and receiving docks. We are looking for information about vehicles that may or may not be able to park in shipping/receiving docks areas as well as how far vehicles should be parked from a […]

  • Minimum Security Criteria for Foreign Manufacturers under C-TPAT.

      Question:   We are looking for advice on a question regarding the Minimum Security Criteria for Foreign Manufacturers under C-TPAT.   I have inserted below language from CBP’s C-TPAT website describing the business partner selection process for foreign manufacturers.    A literal reading suggests that a foreign manufacturer should have each of its partners provide […]

  • NVOCC or 3PL C-TPAT (cont)

    Question: If you are a certified C-TPAT member and you utilize an NVOCC’s or 3PL that is also C-TPAT certified, do you obtain C-TPAT information (SVI or Questionnaire) from the providers in your supply chain that were contracted by you NVOCC or 3PL? In our case, the 3PL consolidates freight overseas, books the freight with […]

  • CTPAT procedure when third party involved

    Question: One of our US locations “US1” receives product X from Canadian supplier ABC (related-party, but that point is probably irrelevant). Every now and then, ABC ships a load of product X to US1, but also loads two crates of product X scrap. The truck then stops first at US-based scrap dealer “ACME” 50 miles […]

  • New high security seal standards

    Question: Request pertains to the C-TPAT new high security seal standards originally in effect on March 1, 2012. Could anyone from the membership provide the following: 1) Technial specs and 18mm requirement on the seals that are acceptable. 2) List of brand/models that would be compliant to Clause 6 of the standard. 3) When do […]

  • Periodic background checks on permanent employees

    Question: Our C-TPAT Security Specialist has strongly suggested that we implement periodic background checks on distribution center and manufacturing personnel who are in key or sensitive positions. I am interested in hearing about others’ experiences on this topic. Has your company implemented periodic background checks on permanent employees? If so, what is the frequency of […]

  • Benefits of AEO Program

    QUESTION: Our group believes that it would be important to join the AEO program in Europe, first Germany then in France. We are already C-TPAT certified in the U.S. Working with out security counterparts and management in Germany to establish the minimum security criteria requirements to apply for the AEO certification has been a challenge. […]