Questions and answers about C-TPAT

  • C-TPAT Q&A 11

    Does anyone know if there are statistics ( and where to get them) on the number of C-TPAT shipments v. non-C-TPAT shipments entering the United States?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 12

    I just heard a rumor that CBP is quietly distributing draft proposed regulations to modify C-TPAT and make new standards mandatory. Has anyone has received a draft?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 13

    We have just been informed that we are now a certified member of the C-TPAT program. The next step is to develop a detailed security plan and self-policing program. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to provide an example of what they prepared. I would also like to know if it was prepared […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 14

    Our C-TPAT validation recommendation from Customs suggests that we inform vendors about the need to check containers for security purposes. Does anyone have anything written informing their vendors what to do and look for with containers that they would be willing to share?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 15

    We’ve been seeing/hearing a lot about smart containers, and Customs’ desire to make them a requirement for “fast lane” processing. Are you going require your carriers to use them, or are you leaving the decision on smart containers up to the carriers themselves? I know there will be a cost increase to use them, and […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 16

    Does anyone have some training specific to Procurement and/or Contracts that they are willing to share?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 17

    CBP focuses on the weakest and most vulnerable link of the supply chain. >From what I have heard, CBP reviews volume,value, and point of origin >to determine which supplier to validate. Please provide feedback as to how your international supplier was selected for validation.

  • C-TPAT Q&A 18

    For those companies in the Customs C-TPAT Under part 1, the 3rd section for service providers requirements (SEE BELOW) How are people handling this section?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 19

    What experiences have members had on determining the cost of implementing C-TPAT? It appears to me that costs must be reviewed on a location by location basis, because individual facilities are likely to be at varying levels of readiness. Your comments?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 20

    I would like to know what process companies have been using to establish the supply chain risk assessment that is part of the new CTPAT criteria. Did you use outside consultants? If you pulled this together internally, what functions participated in defining (not necessarily completing) the risk assessment?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 21

    Can you ask the members who are C-TPAT members if they can share how they handle the requirements for the phase III changes required for C-TPAT members. Specifically how they deal with the “written, verifiable process for selection of business partners”?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 22

    If anyone is familiar with the EU SecureShip program, analogous to the U.S. CBP C–TPAT, would you share whatever documentation you have found on it, such as descriptions of requirements, timelines, etc.