Questions and answers about C-TPAT

  • C-TPAT Q&A 33

    We have a great C-TPAT program in place. For product we import, we physically audit all private label factories and require self assessments to be completed on vendors whose product we purchase but are large brands. For the large brands, we ask for proof of improvements signed by company executives. We’re now being asked to […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 34

    I intend to include a question in our Commercial Supplier Qualification questionnair to determine whether said supplier will need to complete our internal C-TPAT questionnaire. It currently says, “Are any of the products that your company will supply to [our company] manufactured outside of the US.” (If a supplier answers “Yes,” then they must fill […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 35

    Next week I am involved in a meeting focusing on how our company will “shape” our security plan for the future at our facility in the U.S. We have not yet applied for C-TPAT, and want to move that direction. Can anyone advise what they have in place for facility security that has passed the […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 36

    PART TWO Would anyone be willing to “share” some examples of the C-TPAT Supplier Assessment questionnaire they have created for use with their foreign suppliers/vendors/manufacturer’s?? I realize that there may be a confidentiality issue, however, if someone would be willing to share the format they use and types of information they are asking for it […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 37

    PART THREE Would anyone be willing to “share” some examples of the C-TPAT Supplier Assessment questionnaire they have created for use with their foreign suppliers/vendors/manufacturer’s?? I realize that there may be a confidentiality issue, however, if someone would be willing to share the format they use and types of information they are asking for it […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 38

    I intend to include a question in our Commercial Supplier Qualification questionnair to determine whether said supplier will need to complete our internal C-TPAT questionnaire. It currently says, “Are any of the products that your company will supply to [our company] manufactured outside of the US.” (If a supplier answers “Yes,” then they must fill […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 39

    Do any of the members have visibility to internal C-TPAT implementations delaying the initiation of a Focused Assessment ? Meaning that Customs would let the importer complete their efforts for C-TPAT before scheduling an opening conference and beginning the F/A process. Thanks.

  • C-TPAT Q&A 40

    Does anyone have a C-TPAT assessment check list that they may have used and would be willing to share for a C-TPAT site assessment?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 41

    Please help clarify an internal discussion (re: argument) we are having. Once a company identifies their Supply Chain Partner as C-TPAT certified or validated, (for example a freight forwarder, 3PL, non-asset-based partner) it is not necessary to obtain certifications from the transportation providers that company utilizes. Or is it ???

  • C-TPAT Q&A 42

    As a certified C-TPAT member we are in the process of doing “on-site” validations of our own for various foreign suppliers and vendors. I would like to ask the membership whether anyone is doing an on-site validation (Customs not involved; company involved only) of their “parent” or sister company? Or are you considering that location […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 43

    We are preparing for our C-TPAT validation visit and have encountered the following two scenarios. We would appreciate any feedback from members who have encountered similar situations. 1. A supplier’s facility is comprised of several buildings. A different type of manufacturing takes place in each building. For example, microwave ovens are produced in one, telecom […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 44

    Our C-TPAT program is managed by compliance. Unfortunately, there is only one person in our so called compliance department and that is me. Senior management refuses to assign or hire permanent support staff for me. Please ask the membership if C-TPAT is under their compliance department, how are they staffed to maintain all compliance and […]