Questions and answers about C-TPAT

  • C-TPAT Q&A 59

    Our parent company (a holding company) has a subsidiary that provides import operations as shared services to its several operating units. Currently, there exists the possibility that my operating unit may be sold to a private equity group or another company. The “imports” subsidiary serves as the importer of record for the direct imports of […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 60

    Our company is in the infancy stages of pursuing C-TPAT status. We have sent and received Import Vendor Security Questionnaire’s from our Asian vendors. I am in the process of analyzing the data and do notice a pattern on some questions pertaining to background checks on prospective employees, performing drug tests, verifying driver’s licenses. Where […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 61

    After acceptance into CTPAT and also following up with the portal, does anyone have some good recommendations of how they continue to monitor and maintain their business? Is it just updating the portal? Do you still hear from your CTPAT team? Have they come out to revalidate?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 62

    I would like to ask the membership where my level of liability ends in terms of distribution during a CTPAT foreign site validation. Currently, my freight forwarder picks up material at my suppliers dock and loads that material onto a container for shipment to the US. When CBP validates my supplier how will this scenario […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 63

    Does anyone have the latest number of C-TPAT participants? Of that number, how many are validated?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 64

    I’ve been asked to provide an analysis of our exam rate and the impact of C-TPAT status – non member, certified, validated. Our broker advises that they can’t provide the information because VACIS exams are not always flagged in ABI. Our ocean carriers have advised that they can’t separate the AMS messages by individual account. […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 65

    Has any member that was recently validated or about to be validated, and imports greater than 75% of their products from China, get any info from their SCSS that they may be getting validated via a 3rd party auditor since CBP isn’t allowed to conduct validations in China? Or are you still being told to […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 66

    Are any of our members actually able to confirm that you have benefitted from actual reduced exam rates, since being CTPAT Certified or Validated? If so, could you hazard a guess as to the % of decrease in your exam rates?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 67

    I am trying to convince upper management within our company to enroll in C-TPAT. The company is very “sensitive” to vendors/suppliers ie. “why do we have to ask so many questions regarding their security system and processes? Do other importers ask all of these questions of their vendors? What if a vendor does not want […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 68

    Questions regarding the C-TPAT Security Profile 1. Container Secuirty, Container Inspection The profile recomends a seven piont inspection for ALL containers. How do other importers handle this, do you inspect all containers and create a log showing they have been inspected? 2. General Question These questions are for import shipments only or do they include […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 69

    QUESTION ON CHINA 3RD PARTY VALIDATORS; I just got the attached notification (below) that CBP will be contacting Importers to ?volunteer? for the pilot. I was wondering: a) have many members been contacted yet? b) if you qualify do you plan to volunteer? c) has CBP hinted at what might happen if an importer refuses […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 70

    Questions regarding the C-TPAT Security Profile 1. Container Secuirty, Container Inspection The profile recomends a seven piont inspection for ALL containers. How do other importers handle this, do you inspect all containers and create a log showing they have been inspected? 2. General Question These questions are for import shipments only or do they include […]