Questions and answers about C-TPAT

  • C-TPAT Q&A 71

    I am trying to convince upper management within our company to enroll in C-TPAT. The company is very “sensitive” to vendors/suppliers ie. “why do we have to ask so many questions regarding their security system and processes? Do other importers ask all of these questions of their vendors? What if a vendor does not want […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 72

    How do other C-TPAT certified companies collect SVI numbers? Is there a published database that contains all certified companies or do you have to ask each trade partner and then rely on them telling you if something changes? I can find on the C-TPAT portal where you can enter and SVI number and it will […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 73

    Our CTPAT audit is tentatively scheduled for August. I have had a conversation with our representative, but no official notice. Our application was accepted without issue. Has any member passed (or known anyone who has passed) the application process only to fail the on-site review or the review at the supplier? If so, what caused […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 74

    QUESTION ON FOREIGN CTPAT VALIDATIONVISITS: We are preparing for a foreign site visit by U.S. Customs to validate our CTPAT membership. We are reviewing all the security questionaires from the site in question. Do any members who have completed these visits have experiences or recommendations to share?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 75

    We have two Mexican corporations that each have multiple locations. They are our direct suppliers (maquiladoras). Each separate Mexican corporation operates as its own company, by filing hacienda reports, consolidated financial statements, etc. We have been told by our Supply Chain Security Specialist that each separate location must apply for C-TPAT certification separately, even though […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 76

    I’m currently filling in a few gaps in preparation for our C-TPAT validation. I’ve noted that we do not have an official loss prevention / theft policy. Is it typical to have one? Does anyone have any templates? I’m also working on a call-tree / flow chart process to handle suspicious packages, etc. Does anyone […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 77

    We are trying to educate our foreign suppliers on C-TPAT requirements. We are also asking them to complete a questionnaire regarding security at the facilities that ship to us. Does anyone know of a resource for C-TPAT documents that have been translated into other languages? We need several, but Japanese is our priority.

  • C-TPAT Q&A 78

    My company is in the process of reviewing the BP criteria for C-TPAT and has some concerns with overseas vendors that are not related to our company. The concern is what to do with vendors that either refuse to complete a security questionnaire or cannot meet the requirements outlined in the BP criteria. Not doing […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 79

    We have a Maquiladora that is certified under C-TPAT as a manufacturer that will be going through a re-validation. Currently all their procedures are in Spanish. Is there a requirement to have these procedures in English?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 80

    Does anyone have a C-TPAT assessment check list that they may have used and would be willing to share for a C-TPAT site assessment?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 81

    I need some clarification on C-TPAT certification because I am getting mixed responses. If our parent company has been accepted into C-TPAT and going through validation next month, can we ride on their SVI? If not, do we have to wait until their status is complete prior to us submitting our MOU?

  • C-TPAT Q&A 82

    Has any member dealt with how to enforce C-TPAT security requirements in states that permit concealed handguns?