Questions and answers about C-TPAT

  • C-TPAT Q&A 105

    Just received the message below from CBP. Anyone else have this situation on their C-TPAT audit and if so, how did it work out? tks “CBP and the European Union (EU) have been working together on achieving mutual recognition between the C-TPAT program and the EU’s Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program, which is similar in […]

  • C-TPAT Q&A 106

    I have been advised that one of my sister companies is considering dropping C-TPAT now that they have received their re-validation letter since “they don’t want to spend any money”. Before I can give them additional guidance, I need some help from my container shipping brethren in ICPA as I am a breakbulk importer and […]