QUESTION: How do importer members go about contacting/auditing/questionnaires etc. for international and domestic piers/ports for C-TPAT since they form part of an importers supply chain? ========== Answers: I would follow the Minimum Security Criteria for Marine Port Authority and Terminal Operators. Otherwise do the same process as I would for importers but based on the […]


    QUESTION: Can a company complete the Security Declaration for Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) without being C-TPAT certified? ============ Answer: of course – as well as vice-versa. The US and EU are different authorities (although there is much overlap in practice in security criteria) =========== Add’l Answers: If you mean AEO for a US company then […]

  • Current state of C-TPAT program

    QUESTION: Can someone provide any update for the current state of  C-TPAT program? Is it worth to enroll in the program? I heard that the validation process is currently on hold. Thanks advance for your feedback on this subject. %%%%%%%%%% ANSWERS: A:  The program is highly suggested by CBP and we have found it beneficial […]

  • C-TPAT questionnaires to factories

    QUESTION: Regarding C-TPAT questionnaires to factories. What does everyone suggest when there’s a situation where you don’t have access to the factory details when you use a third-party USA importer/wholesaler. Do you send the questionnaire to the importer/wholesaler and have them forward to their factories for completion? %%%%%%%%%% Answers: Since you are not the IOR […]


    QUESTION: Regarding physical validation of information, processes, facilities, and products with overseas vendors and manufacturers for C-TPAT purposes, what criteria is used by your company for frequency:  blanket once per year per manufacturer, blanket once every 4 years, a statistical sampling of manufacturers yearly, scoring from a yearly questionnaire?   =========== Answers: We currently conduct an […]

  • 2020 CTPAT Profile Questions Converted from PDF to Excel

    Passing along this conversion of the 2020 CTPAT  Profile Questions to Excel.  I thought others in your ICPA network might appreciate this tool as much as I did.  Have a good one, ============ https://www.icpainc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/CTPAT.2020.Annual.Profile.xlsx ===========

  • C-TPAT for Brokers – Business Partner Reviews

    QUESTION: This is a question for C-TPAT Brokers. I’m working through the the new MSC Portal questions spreadsheet. WOW, by the way. But, we only have a handful of importers who are C-TPAT; most are not. Do you send security questionnaires to Importers???  I used to be on the Importer side, and I was never […]

  • C-TPAT importer criteria

    QUESTION: Is anyone else looking at the new C-TPAT importer criteria. Especially below must for verifying the first foreign location for the carrier. Has anyone else looked at this and how you will address. Describe how your company ensures bill of lading (BOL)/manifest information is reported accurately. Describe your company’s procedures for ensuring the BOL/manifest […]

  • C-TPAT information -non member

    QUESTION: We are a non-member of C-TPAT, so therefore, do not have portal access.  With that said, how do obtain new security requirements for our suppliers if we cannot access the portal?  We are wanting to apply this year and need to get our suppliers onboard.  Does anyone have a sample questionnaire for suppliers to […]

  • C-TPAT Question

    QUESTION: If a U.S. forwarder is C-TPAT certified, do we as importers still need to do checks on that forwarding company in their foreign locations? ================================================================ Answers: Not if the forwarder is C-TPAT or AEO. However you will need to work with them for a complete cargo flow. ================================================================ It may depend, the question may […]

  • CTPAT workshop

    QUESTION: I’m looking into this program for my company and have a few questions: We have a total of 16 plants, do we need to certify all plants or can we start out with only a couple of plants? I understand we will need to assign suffix for each plant since we are currently using […]

  • CTPAT Questionnaire Templates

    QUESTION: With the new MSC guidelines issued by C-TPAT, I was wondering if membership has adjusted/recreated factory questionnaires.  Any templates you could share would be great. ========== Answers: Our SCSS sent a 112-question check list that is used for validations. At his recommendation, we are re-doing our security questionnaire based upon that document. I suggest […]