QUESTION: One of the Tier 3 benefits as a CTPAT member is “front of the line” inspection privileges. Is this privilege automatically granted to us when we are selected for an exam or do we need to proactively request it? We have very few exams but it would be nice to know that we are […]

  • CTPAT PO Language

    QUESTION: Would anyone in the membership be willing to share the language included on the PO to cover CTPAT? We do business with non CTPAT members but want to ensure that all security standards are followed and would like to benchmark the verbiage we use to what other companies are using. Any feedback would be […]

  • C-TPAT Tier 3 Status Statistic

    QUESTION: Does anyone know how many C-TPAT member companies have Tier 3 status? Even an estimate of the percentage of companies are Tier 3 companies would be helpful. ************ Answers: Among 11K+ C-TPAT members there are only 300+ Tier 3 members. We just got Tier 3 for one of clients and it is possible if […]

  • CTPAT Question

    QUESTION: My company has a customer who wants all their suppliers (us included) to be CTPAT certified. Our customer says it is due to the facility being located in Mexico. Yet, we only export from the same USA warehouse to the Mexico facility and it will not be sent from Mexico to the USA. That […]


    QUESTION: Regarding sending a questionnaire to your supply base – Foreign suppliers only, or both Foreign and Domestic suppliers? We have only 5-10 foreign suppliers, and perhaps 100 domestic. Since CTPAT is focused on imports, can we get away with only sending the questionnaires to our foreign suppliers – and will that be sufficient for […]


    QUESTION: Have a question regarding different Tier class of CTPAT. Is there a way if you are Tier 1, you can get to Tier 2 or 3. Also is it possible if CTPAT can downgrade you if you do not meet the annual requirements of CTPAT. ========== Answers: Tier 1 means you have been accepted […]


    QUESTION: I was wondering how the membership is preparing for the newly published CTPAT MSC’s. Specifically, I would like to know: • Does anyone already have a template they can share with a statement promoting a culture of security and affirming commitment to supply chain (Section 1.1) • For the cross-functional committee team, what management […]


    QUESTION: Curious to know if any of the members who are C-TPAT certified as an importer, see that this “benefit” is assisting them if recently (in the past 2 weeks) crossing trucks from Mexico to the U.S. Getting conflicting stories from various sources. I know CBP staff is reduced at many ops for the current […]


    QUESTION: Does anyone have any updates on the new changes to CTPAT program for 2020. Any webinars or materials that covers all the new changes? ************ Answers: At the C-TPAT Conference last year in Orlando, CBP had committed to releasing all the material/presentations used into the C-TPAT portal/document library but have seen nothing. ************* Nothing […]


    QUESTION: What are the pains and/or gains withdrawing from C-TPAT? ========== Answers: I would say there are no gains, other than you no longer have to dedicate resources to assure all items are kept up to date and documented on the portal. Why give it up once you have it? This country is not becoming […]


    QUESTION: Does anyone have any experience with having a foreign national managing the CTPAT program and acting as the POC for an importer? If there is acceptable Senior Management support and oversight, will Customs have any issues with this? I do not see anything in the MSC or any other documents requiring the POC to […]

  • CTPAT Minimum Criteria Change

    QUESTION: I wanted to ask the importer’s community if there is any company out there that has already put the CBP’s revamped minimum security criteria (importer version) into Excel format from the PDF and nice enough to share with me. If you are willing, I would really appreciate it! ================= ANSWER: http://www.icpainc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/CTPAT-MSCs.xlsx ================================================================