Questions and answers about CAFTA

  • No CAFTA at Time of Entry

    Question: Hello Member: I joined a new company, and through an ACE report, I saw claims of CAFTA.  I asked the broker and supply chain for the CAFTA certificates, and there were none. So, I stopped CAFTA claims and reported the matter to my boss, who did nothing. Just to add, the imported products are […]

  • Costa Rica FTA Audit

    Question: I recently joined a company with an ongoing Costa Rican Customs audit of our customer who has an FTA audit for products we’ve sold.  The goods we qualified under CAFTA are based upon the respective rule of origin which is a TARIFF SHIFT for all non-originating goods.   The details we’ve been requested to provide as […]

  • CAFTA Form

    Question: Can someone share an editable CAFTA certificate? The one in the library (ICPA) is from 2008, and will not download. Answer 1: You can download a copy of a generic Certificate of Origin from CBP.  This template can be used for a multitude of FTA’s, which is selected in the drop down menu in […]


    QUESTION: Our good is a large piece of equipment, and the rule of origin is a Change to heading from any other heading.  No RVC option, which would have been easy.  So this equipment has many large components in the BOM (engine, electrical components, etc.) that are not classified in the finished good heading and […]


    QUESTION: In looking at the CAFTA rules of origin for a finished good that falls under 3924.10., the GN’s state: “6. A change to headings 3922 through 3926 from any other heading.” Can anyone help me understand if a component of heading 3923 that is in the range 3922 through 3926 would meet the tariff […]


    QUESTION: We are in Dominican Republic  we make cheerleaders uniform and export to USA, if I have a garment that have a combination of fabric from USA and fabric from other region that is a Non-Cafta region because it is not under FTA DR-Cafta, how can I determine if the finished garment is a Cafta […]


    QUESTION: We have a customer in the Dominican Republic requesting we issue a CAFTA CO to show their preferential HTS code.  We have not yet issued this as we are still researching the rules and regulations that may differ with their country.  The current product in question is HTS 0202.30 (boneless beef) however the customer […]


    QUESTION: We are looking into moving some apparel production from China to a DR-CAFTA country.  For the moment, the potential DR-CAFTA manufacturer is telling us that the textile we would be using is not readily available from an in-country textile producer; we would prefer to limit the logistics tangle of shipping the textiles from a Chinese […]


    Question: We are shipping product to Miami and billing a customer in Costa Rica. Customer wants us to create a CAFTA. We are told by corporate this is a domestic sale and we are not the exporter of record. So can we create a CAFTA showing us as the exporter of record? We currently want […]


    Question: A company is planning to move its production plant to Guatemala.  Commodity are garments.    Would you please advise what are the requirements for duty free in the US? They might move some fabric or patches from China to Guatemala.    Does the garment have to be 100% product of Guatemala?  thanks, ==========


    Question: Is there anyone in the group that would be able to share any process or documentation they use to validate a DR-CAFTA claim? =============

  • CAFTA classification

      Question:   I am trying to classify a particular item for the CAFTA free trade agreement. The HS code for this item is 2008.97. That HS code is not listed in the CAFTA specific rules of origin.   My questions is… What does that mean for the product if the HS code is not […]