
Questions and answers about Canada


      Question:   We are shipping e-com orders from the US to Canada and want to include activated gift cards purchased by the consumer.  The shipment will be on truck consolidation of all packages to Canada, and then dropped into the courier hubs in Canada for distribution within Canada.  We are being told by EXPRESS […]


      QUESTION:   What is the timeframe, from the date of accounting with CBSA, whereby import entries can be amended (for HTS, Origin, value and tariff treatment) ? **************


      QUESTION:   We are currently preparing to open a subsidiary in Canada and are looking for Customs guidelines on importing apparel and footwear.  Specifically we are looking for guidance on the required import documentation and product safety requirements. *************


      Question:   If you are registered for a business number in Canada for GST/HST tax but are located in the US do you need to register separately for GST & HST tax in Quebec or is the one business number all that is needed?   ———-

  • NRI Canada

      Question:   I understand the requirements to comply with CBSA as an NRI and requesting permission to keep records in the USA, etc… However, I am getting conflicting answers from 2 Canada customs brokerage houses regarding importing into Canada as an NRI.   Basically our goods are of clinical drugs in dosage form 3004.90, […]

  • NRI Canada

      Question:   I understand the requirements to comply with CBSA as an NRI and requesting permission to keep records in the USA, etc… However, I am getting conflicting answers from 2 Canada customs brokerage houses regarding importing into Canada as an NRI.   Basically our goods are of clinical drugs in dosage form 3004.90, […]

  • DDP – NRI into Canada

      Question: I understand the requirements to comply with CBSA as an NRI and requesting permission to keep records in the USA, etc… However, I am getting conflicting answers from 2 Canada customs brokerage houses regarding importing into Canada as an NRI. Basically our goods are of clinical drugs in dosage form 3004.90, and these […]


      Question: We’ve recently experienced issues with drop shipments to Canada from the US by truck.  The consignee in Canada is not our buyer and is not to see our invoice to our Canadian customer. Would other share how you handle drop shipments?  What documents are sent with the freight?  What is noted on the […]


      Question:   I have a strange transaction that gives me a bad feeling. I would like to explain and appreciate any comments back. Here is the scenario:   1.       USA company (manufacturer) builds and sells (invoices) a product to own entity (related party) in Canada   2.       Canada related entity sells the goods to […]

  • Value for Canadian imports

      Question:   This question is for the Canada legal eagles related to customs valuation and related parties.  Our company is owned by a parent company in another city. My locations ships goods to our facility in Toronto Canada which we control all the pricing they publish, etc.  However they are not technically owned by […]

  • Canadian importer of record

      Question:   Is there a published definition of what constitutes an Importer of record in Canada ? I’ve searched d-memos, CBSA’s website and the internet and can’t find one.   Looking for something that defines the Canadian Importer of record and criteria when a company can assume that responsibility (financial interest ?)   Thanks

  • Canadian recordkeeping

      Question: We currently are registered as a non-resident importer with Canadian customs.  We use ABC COURIER to conduct all our brokerage activities into Canada on our behalf.  FedEx provides a summary B3 for our records. My question is: Does anyone know if a B3 summary document is sufficient for record keeping requirements?