
Questions and answers about Canada

  • U.S. Binding Rulings in Canada

    Question:I would like to ask the membership about their experiences using US binding rulings issued by CBP for shipments going into Canada.  Were you able to use US binding rulings as justification for classifications on Canadian imports?

  • Canada Import/Export Regs

    Question: Can anyone point me in the right direction on where I can find information on Canadian Import and Export Regulations? The U.S. has the Department of State, BIS, etc…..What are the agencies for Canada?


    Question: Our company is going to start using a carnet to transport our tools of trade to Canada, and after the installation & testing is complete we will transport them back to USA. What I am seeking is clarification on the processing of the Carnet (as our installers will transport the goods in and out […]


    Question: How does the membership handle Customs invoicing issues for split shipments going into Canada? For example, we manufacture heavy industrial equipment which utilize multiple trucks to ship one order. We used the same [consolidated] commercial invoice for multiple PRO #’s. The equipment is valued under a single value for the finished product. Do we […]


    Question: Our US company was a Canadian GST registrant for 18 months. The GST registration was required due to a consignment program we had set up with a Canadian customer. We have now “un”-registered our company as the consignment program has been discontinued. During our entire GST process we were “walked thru” with our Canadian […]


    We have upward of 3000 loads per year from our US parent company to our US sister company who acts as NRI into Canada. One CHB clears all the loads into Canada. We use SAP to generate all our customs invoices and either SAP or WMS to generate our BOLs. We also use a 3rd […]

  • Canadian GST

    Question: Our broker into Canada is paying our GST and in turn we are reimbursing them in US$ a few days later. In addition to a flat transaction fee separately set out on their invoice to us, our broker is adding a percentage up charge to the GST for what they claim are foreign exchange […]

  • Canadian GST

    Our broker into Canada is paying our GST and in turn we are reimbursing them in US$ a few days later. In addition to a flat transaction fee separately set out on their invoice to us, our broker is adding a percentage up charge to the GST for what they claim are foreign exchange risk […]

  • Canada Q&A 1

    A U.S. carrier is enrolled in Canada’s Customs Self Assessment (CSA) program. Following an audit by Canada’s Border Services Agency (BSA), the agency determined that the carrier transported and delivered non-CSA goods from the U.S. to a non-CSA approved Canadian customer (although the importer of record was CSA approved). BSA has advised the carrier that […]

  • Canada Q&A 2

    A U.S. carrier is enrolled in Canada’s Customs Self Assessment (CSA) program. Following an audit by Canada’s Border Services Agency (BSA), the agency determined that the carrier transported and delivered non-CSA goods from the U.S. to a non-CSA approved Canadian customer (although the importer of record was CSA approved). BSA has advised the carrier that […]