• Notice of Action Received; Entries Not Liquidated as Proposed

    Question: Hi Membership! We received a Notice of Action from Customs for 2 entries that should have claimed antidumping case and didn’t (broker error).  Per the Notice of Action, if we did not respond within 20 days from the date of the notice, the entries would be liquidated as proposed on the notice (to include […]

  • CF-29

    Question: We import a specialized sound machine.  It does not “reproduce” or play back sound but rather creates sound waves on the fly internally as they are being generated on a CPU using software programs and randomized sound equations.We have been classifying as 8519.81.4150.  CBP has issued a CF-29 duty advance and is saying the […]

  • Customs Broker Responsibility in Replying to CF29

    Question: We are a Customs broker.   We received a copy of a CF29 for an importer where action has been taken.  The explanation from CBP was:   “LINE 001 IS SUBJECT TO AD/CVD DUTIES UNDER COMMON ALLOY ALUMINUM SHEET FROM THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CASE NUMBERS AD CASE A-570-073 AND CVD CASE C-570-074. ENTRY SUMMARY […]

  • CF-28 in ACE portal?

    Question: We are an Importer and received a CF-28 in the mail and we are working on it. I cannot find it anywhere in my ACE Account (portal). They used to show on first page when you would log in. I know there have been ongoing changes/updates occurring in ACE by CBP. I have searched […]

  • Documents to support

    Question: Hello members, We recently received request form CF-28 from CBP, after submitting reconciliations due to variances in freight costs. In your opinion, what documents should we submit to support our request? Is an explanatory letter enough? Thank you, Answer 1: It is hard to answer without knowing the specific request for information. It sounds, […]


    QUESTION: Hoping the membership can help on a question regarding origin determination. Why does customs ask for a costed BOM as a factor for determining origin?  Shouldn’t origin be solely determined by the essential character and substantial transformation tests?  So, how can value actually be relevant when determining origin?  Why would customs need cost details? […]

  • CF28/29 emails from acenotifyservice@customs.treas.gov

    QUESTION: Has anyone else had issues receiving emails from acenotifyservice@customs.treas.gov ? We were notified last week of a CF 28 that was sent to us by acenotifyservice@customs.treas.gov on 7/18/22 but we never received it.  Our IT department has run email tracers on all servers including Spam or blocked emails but could not find anything from […]


    QUESTION: I received a CBP form 28 asking for information on validity of our claim for COTPA preferential duty treatment. On the request,  they have asked that “all documentation must be in English”. I have 42 invoices and the COO applications that need to be translated.   Are they needed to be translated? How strict are […]


    QUESTION: I just wrapped up a CF28 in which CBP challenged a widget’s classification (3ish% duty rate). Upon reviewing the widget’s specs, they came back proposing a new (better) classification (which pleasantly duty-free!). I agree with the officer that this new classification is better than the one we had before. I know this finding isn’t […]


    QUESTION: If it is possible to have the ACE portal email the importer whenever a CF-28 or CF-29 has been issued, can the membership please tell me how to set up my ACE portal so I can get those automated emails notifying me of 28 and 29 activity? ************* Answers: It is not possible to […]


    QUESTION: I’m trying to find the line between “can file a prior disclosure” and “cannot file a PD.” So, what exactly is an “official investigation?” Does CBP have to use those exact words? Mere issuance of a 28 or 29 is NOT necessarily the beginning of an “official investigation,” right? ***************** Answers: Correct – mere issuance of […]


    UESTION: If it is possible to have the ACE portal email the importer whenever a CF-28 or CF-29 has been issued, can the membership please tell me how to set up my ACE portal so I can get those automated emails notifying me of 28 and 29 activity? ************* Answers: It is not possible to […]