
Questions and answers about China

  • China Q&A 13

    It appears the transshipment issue/concern through Hong Kong has caught on at some large global companies. We are a 1.3 billion dollar, import focused company, having multiple manufacturing and engineering design centers in southern China. For years, we maintain a crossdock warehouse in Hong Kong @ a forwarder’s location for staging, consolidation… Etc. purposes. We […]

  • China Q&A 14

    QUEStION ON CHINA FTA’S: Does anyone know how we can determine the duty rate assessed for imports of Chinese made product into various countries around the world? Is there a listing somewhere of the countries that Chinas has Free Trade agreements with?

  • China Q&A 15

    I would like to ask the group if anyone has heard any information about potential delays at the ports due to the significant recalls on toys made in the Orient, especially China. Some of our retailers are greatly concerned that CBP may want to step up container inspections, which would effect timing for their sales […]

  • China Q&A 16

    I recd a notice from BIS this week requesting certification that our foreign consignee is complying with the conditions of a few export licenses related to the export of semiconductor equipment. Has anyone else recd such a request in the recent past? I am wondering if this is just a general inquiry requesting assurance that […]

  • China Q&A 17

    I was under the impression that, when China joined the WTO, there was a list of products for which they could not restrict exports without also limiting domestic production. Someone told me this was called “Annex 6” of the GATT, but I can’t seem to find the list anywhere. Can the membership help me out?

  • China Q&A 18

    We have a foreign manufacturing facility in China. Our U.S. Sales team is asking me to provide us a tool for information on the rules within China on export and import, that could directly affect prices paid and sales; such as the recent reduction in rebates paid to China suppliers by the Chinese government on […]

  • China Q&A 19

    I am looking at the new China Policy Rules. I am confused as to when I would Apply for the Validated End User Program (VEU). We used Contract Manufacutures in China. The items they recieve don’t require a license. Does the VEU only apply to when a license is required?

  • China Q&A 21

    I am looking to find information/resources regarding the benefits and detriments of utilizing a vendor in a Free Trade Zone in China (or operating in a Free Trade Zone in China). Do any of the members have specific experiences/reasons for or against sourcing items from vendors/suppliers that operate in a Free Trade Zone in China […]