
Questions and answers about China


    QUESTION: Our company is interested in having an FTZ in China and have our vendors in China ship their products to FTZ first. Then, ship them to customers in China out of FTZ when receiving orders. In this situation, are the products subject to normal import duty and VAT into China? Or is there something […]


    QUESTION: If we ship non-Chinese and possibly non-US origin empty instruments of international traffic (IIT) so our Chinese suppliers can fill them with parts, what are the Chinese import and export requirements? ***************** Answers: You should work with your Chinese suppliers on this. China Customs does recognize IIT, but the ways they do it vary […]


    QUESTION: I am working on providing 2 door to door quote to our project management team. Both quotes are for exporting into China. Why would a buyer not want to act or provide information for an IOR? These customers have export to China before, but refuse to act as IOR or provide a broker they […]

  • China’s import and export Cargo Declaration Project entry guide

    QUESTION: I’d like to ask the membership if anyone has encountered a requested by either their Chinese customer or sister division to add the manufactured date to the item on their shipment? My sister company indicated there is a new regulation requiring this data be supplied into their “Pre-Record System” for importation. This is mainly […]


    QUESTION: We are interested in setting up a warehouse for our products in the FTZ in Shanghai. We are a US company in the process of setting up a legal entity in China. Once we have a legal entity in China, we would like to set up warehousing so we can ship our products from […]

  • Valuation of returns to China

    QUESTION: Our entity in China is running into issues with its returns process and the valuation of returned product.   Step 1 – China entity prepares export of several products of different values/prices that fall under the same HS Code Step 2 – Chinese Customs rolls the total value of these products under the HS […]


    QUESTION: Our company is the exporter of a marketing display shipment to China. It was shipped under DDP terms and now is stuck at customs waiting on an import license. Does this sound legitimate that marketing display material would require an import license? If so, how do we apply for an import license and about […]

  • China imports and documentation – replication and complication

    QUESTION: I had a conversation with the trade team in China about their import process.  I was told that even though we give them a perfectly good SAP generated commercial invoice they must replicate the information on a new a different document.  They recreate the whole commercial invoice on an excel spreadsheet and submit that.  […]

  • Tariff List for US exports to China

    QUESTION: Two simple questions: Does anyone have a link to the consolidated code list on which China will be imposing US origin good tariffs? Does anyone have information how Chinese companies can apply for exclusions? ========= Answer: We have a related party in China and we were told there is no official exclusion process.  There […]

  • Export to China

    QUESTION: I have a product produced in Canada but we want to store it in the US. If we decide to export the product from the US tank to China, is it still subjective to the 25% retaliatory tariff from China? ========== Answers: No, if it is still a Canadian product, i.e. it was not […]

  • New China tariffs

    QUESTION: Where can I find the list of products that China plans to impose retaliatory tariffs on, which was announced Aug 3? I have been unable to find the full Chinese list on US products with HTS codes, that China will implement on August 23rd. Does anyone have the link or an easy method to […]


    QUESTION: Has anyone recently encountered China Customs refusing to endorse a CITES certificate upon export by sea from China and insisting that the China export declaration in Chinese be substituted in its place? If so, has any US FWS port accepted it upon presentation with the E-dec? ========== Answer: No.  But you can run your […]