
Questions and answers about China

  • Dangerous Goods shipments to China – trouble clearing Chinese customs

    QUESTION: We sell and export DG items all over the world.  Some of our items fall under reference standards HS Code 3822.00.6000.  We have been having an extremely difficult time getting these into China.  No one has been able to provide a reason why. Do other exporters ship products considered to be DG into China […]

  • General Administration of Customs China (GACC) Advanced Manifest

    QUESTION: With regard to the new advanced manifest rules.  The new rules appear to require inclusion of specific shipper name (a person) and phone number as well as specific consignee name and phone number.  There does not appear to be a specific document or place to include these four elements. Does anyone know where (on […]

  • China Import Registration Requirements

    QUESTION: Our company has been using distribution channels in China and we are now looking at importing directly in China.  As we set this business up, can anyone advise the certificates or permits required to be able to import into China and who you may have worked with in the Shanghai/Beijing area who is very […]


    QUESTION: In order to save time, our related party customer in China wants us to ship direct to their customer in China. The normal documentation flow and physical flow of goods is as follows: 1) Our related party in China (Distributor) issues us a PO and we sell to them (1st commercial invoice). 2) We […]

  • Information needed for new China Customs manifest rules

    QUESTION: When did other members who export from China hear about these new required data elements for China Customs?  If you did receive info, what type of company provided the info and when? How do other members keep up with these type of regulations? From my research, it appears the rule was announced by China […]


    QUESTION: We are shipping merchandise to a facility in China, and ship under EXW incoterms. The Chinese office has advised us that they would not be able to pay the carrier’s freight charge and insurance costs due to Forex control. Does this sound right to anyone in the industry? Because duties in China are paid […]


    QUESTION: Regarding China Customs announcement No.56 (Nov. 21, 2017) effective June 1, 2018, that shipments arriving in China from the US must provide China Customs with the exporter’s EIN, are there any USG restrictions on doing so, such as USG’s prohibition on providing the EEI to foreign parties? ==================== ANSWER: We have concerns regarding providing […]


    QUESTION: Regarding China Customs announcement No.56 (Nov. 21, 2017) effective June 1, 2018, that shipments arriving in China from the US must provide China Customs with the exporter’s EIN, are there any USG restrictions on doing so, such as USG’s prohibition on providing the EEI to foreign parties? =========== Answer: No, many companies already do […]

  • Customs Declaration Revision in China

    QUESTION: Recently we imported a containers worth of products into China where about $15,000 worth of parts from one supplier were not mentioned on the commercial invoice.  This discrepancy was not discovered until the container was unloaded at our factory.  Now we have an issue as it relates to the payment of the supplier of […]

  • Customs Declaration Revision in China

    QUESTION: Recently we imported a containers worth of products into China where about $15,000 worth of parts from one supplier were not mentioned on the commercial invoice.  This discrepancy was not discovered until the container was unloaded at our factory.  Now we have an issue as it relates to the payment of the supplier of […]


    QUESTION: We currently purchase small aluminum housings that are used in the manufacture of our electrical sensor products in the US. These housings are either CNC machined out of Chinese extruded aluminum or from aluminum ingots purchased in China, following machining the housings are then shipped to us. We have approached our supplier and requested […]

  • China Tariff’s on US Ag

    QUESTION: With China’s response to the US tariff hikes, do the Chinese tariffs only hit US produced agriculture or US companies selling to China?  For instance, if a US company purchases corn or wheat from another nation and ships directly to China, do the tariff’s apply?  Or is this strictly if the commodity originates in […]