
Questions and answers about China


      Question:   I am looking for guidance on import regulations (and practical experience) for aircraft parts to China.  These parts will range from skins, ribs, tires etc. to COTS parts such as bolts, washers, etc.  The parts are for repair/replacement or spares.  Thanks in advance.   ===========

  • 2013 China HT access

      Question:   Does anyone know if there is a way to access the 2013 China Harmonized Tariff Schedule, with applicable chapter notes, in English?     Below is the link from China Customs’ official website but it is all in Chinese.  

  • Question on China CCC Product list

      QUESTION ON CHINA CCC PRODUCT LIST Question:   Does anyone in the membership know of a good resource for obtaining a listing of all the products subject to the China Compulsory Certification process?  I need the specific product types and possibly tariff codes associated with the parts.    

  • Bonded Warehouse in China

      Question: Does anyone have experience with bonded logistic warehouses in China. We will have product exported to the warehouse , stored and then imported as needed to US locations. What are possible pitfalls?  What additional record keeping should be established above the usual? How to generate invoices for importing?   


      Question: Does anyone know of the availability of the china tariff (HTS) with applicable chapter notes in English (either free or on subscription). ***********

  • China Compulsory Certificate

        Question:   Does anyone know where we can obtain information relating to China Compulsory Certificate (CCC), including CCC exemption guidelines, etc ?  


      QUESTION:   We have received an unusual request from one of our Chinese customers.  They wish to know if any raw materials used in the finished goods we provide them originate in the Philippines. I realize that there is an ongoing issue between the two countries…..Does any one know if this constitutes a boycott […]

  • CHINA RULE 148

      Question: Would the membership please help clarify the invoice requirements under China Rule 148 for itemization of charges required on the commercial invoice?

  • Importing hazardous chemicals in to China

      Question:   I recently read a blog regarding China tightening the reins on hazardous chemicals that are being imported there.  The blog states that in the beginning of February they started compulsory inspections on haz chemicals and substances that were being imported into China and were specifically focusing on GHS compliance.  According the blog, […]


    Question:One of my engineers sent some china blocks to China. Customs there is holding them for fumigation certificate. My thinking is he needs to just forget those, get some new blocks, have them fumigated, fill out the certificate and consider this a lesson learned. Other than this or having fumigation done there, is there any […]


    Question:Has anyone had success in temporarily importing used tool kits into China? Did you hand carry or ship? Tool kit will be returned to US.