Classification: Import

Questions and answers about Classification: Import

  • HTS Chapter 44 changes

    QUESTION: Would any of the membership know the implementation date for the WCO HS 2017 changes to Chapter 44 of the HTS?  It is unclear to me whether it is 1 September or 1 October. ====================== ANSWER: WCO implementation dates are irrelevant.  What’s important is the date the changes are implemented by the customs agency […]


    QUESTION: What is the responsibility for an Importer to ask CBP  to  review/revoke a Binding Ruling (regarding tariff classification) previously issued to that importer, when such ruling appears clearly to be in error? Several subsequent rulings issued by CBP  to other importers uniformly cite a  different tariff number for what appears to be  substantially equivalent […]

  • Classification

    QUESTION: Would anyone know the HTS code used for importing a microfiber tip plastic swab for laboratory use? ========== Answers: You don’t say if it is coated or not with anything.  But I would look at 5601.22. ========== There appear to be a couple of rulings dealing with this type of commodity, under heading 5601. […]


    QUESTION: For CN Origin items, imported duty paid, exported to customers then returned for service, are 9801 claims allowable under the Sec. 301 process ? ************ Answers: It was clearly spelled out by CPB in the Federal Register notice that proper Ch 98 claims are not subject to the additional duty. ******* If HTSUS code […]


    QUESTION: I have a piece of furniture made of metal and wood, and wood imparts the essential character of the furniture item.  Therefore, does that mean that if I import just a metal component of the furniture, that this metal component should be classified as “parts of wood furniture”?  The metal component is specially-designed for […]


    QUESTION: I would like to ask the membership how they go about classifying sets and how they report it to Customs. An example would be a Face paint kit. The kit consists of 3 pots of face paint, a sponge, face stickers and paint brush. The essential character being the face paint itself. This is all […]


    QUESTION: I am interested in hearing where the group would classify laminators. We arehaving some discrepancies especially now that the tariff we have our laminatorsin falls under the new 25% duty rate. We are hearing from our customers that weare the only ones being affected by the 25% increase. Can you please share where you […]

  • Finished good vs part of

    QUESTION: We import call cords that are not further worked here in the US. We sell the call cord to hospitals that use it on their nurse call systems. Without the nurse call system the call cord is useless. My question is, can we consider that call card, at import, parts of the nurse call […]

  • Finished good vs part of

      QUESTION: We import call cords that are not further worked here in the US. We sell the call cord to hospitals that use it on their nurse call systems. Without the nurse call system the call cord is useless. My question is, can we consider that call card, at import, parts of the nurse […]

  • Classification plastic and metal strainers

    QUESTION: I’ve been trying to substantiate a classification for some parts, instead of going to request a formal customs ruling. The products in questions are: Stainless steel strainer tubes: Stainless steel tube assembly with wholes to prevent large solid particles to clog the liquid flow. Plastic strainer tubes: Plastic tube assembly with holes to prevent larger solid particles to clog […]


    QUESTION: When would it be required to make a Chapter 98 claim on a duty free item ?Meaning if the item is duty free in it’s original HTS why make a Chapter 98 claim and accept the accountability ? ********* Answers: If the item is already duty free, importer can select to opt out and […]