Classification: Import

Questions and answers about Classification: Import

  • Section XVI Note 2(a) and (b)

    Question:I am looking for guidance on what exactly is meant by Note 2(a) and (b) of Section XVI of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule ?  I am not sure how to interpret this based on the wording.  For example, if my company manufactures engines classifiable in 8407 or 8408, do ALL parts of engines get classified […]

  • USE OF 9802

    Question:We are looking at using 9802.00.5060 for some articles that are returning to the US.  The commercial invoice we are using from the supplier has the breakdown of the repair value and the original value of the product.  Does the item being worked on and returned have to be US origin?  Also, what are the […]


    Question:When classifying a circuit board, that has been programmed or configured specifically for a machine, we have been classifying as “parts of”.   However, everytime we do this, I wonder if this is truly correct of if  a circuit board is a circuit board, is a circuit board.  Guidance?


    Question:Wondering how other ICPA members handle styles that are not considered a set under GRI3(b) as it doesn’t meet a particular need.  The one style number  has multiple components of different hts#s. For the entry,  we have a more manual process.  We attach a bogus hts# to the style 0000.00.0000 which tells our broker to […]


    Question: Can anyone in the Membership advise how you have organized the responsibility to classify products globally to ensure all branches of the company in other world areas are in sync for a common item? I understand that there will be statistical differences out to the 10th digit of an HTS by country.  However, how […]


    Question: I looked all through CROSS and cannot find a ruling on whether or notclarifying a foreign juice concentrate is considered a substantialtransformation thereby changing the country of origin to the US wherethe clarifying process is completed.  Does anyone in the membership haveany insight into this question?


    Question:Can anyone in the membership comment on what industry standard file format is used to get data from your brokers?  By industry standard I am referring to EDI or CATAIR, etc.?  If EDI, what record sets?  Thanks


    Question:Hello, I wanted to see if I could get classification opinions from the group for the following items The first item is described as a mirror box and is made up of: According to the weight %, the material breakdown: Glass: 65%  ( approximately ) High density fiberboard : 33%  ( approximately ) flannelette: 2% […]


    Question:The recent question and answers regarding Cell Phone Battery Charger, triggered another related twist/question regarding cell phones and/or iPod’s. I know for a fact that there is before HQ a pending ruling that is about to be released regarding the correct classification on iPod’s.  This will obvious effect the classification and duty rates of associated […]


    Question: I’d like to get everyone’s opinion on a “set” classification issue Ihave. We import two items that are sold to the retail consumer as a set. Theyare classifiable under two different headings and they meet a specificneed/activity. However, sometimes these items are imported pre-mountedon a plastic display card inside of a poly bag. They […]