Classification: Import

Questions and answers about Classification: Import


    I have a question regarding Designers and Artists purchasing art/designs for use in garments. This is not a question of assists, as I know it will be assists if used for production; however, my question is more of how this would be classified when bringing the actual art/design into the U.S. We have designers and […]

  • Flat Panel Monitor Classifications

    Question: Background – in the tariff schedule there is a flat panel monitorclassification for monitors used “solely or principally” with computerswhich has a free duty rate (8528.51.000). The classification heading forflat panel monitors deemed to be not solely or principally for computersis 8528.59 and has a 5% duty rate. We understand there is a controversy […]

  • Sets Put Up for Retail Sale-Internet Sales

    Question: What is the feeling among members as to the applicability of GRI 3(b) as it relates to orders placed over the internet? I’ll break it down into several scenarios in case the group feels it makes a difference. Scenario one – when choosing the product over the internet, the customer is presented with a […]

  • Classification and CHB License

    Question:In order to transact “customs business” such as classification on behalf of an importer, the party providing the services is required to be licensed, correct? How do attorneys that provide classification advice and other services that might constitute “customs business” get by without having a CHB license?   Let’s say the attorney had a CHB […]


    I would like to see if I could get feedback from importers who specifically import sets of glass or lead crystal drinking glasses without, of course, revealing any specific companies.I have been challenged by some of our buyers that these items should be classified according to the set value, not the individual item value. I have […]

  • Classification: Import Q&A 1

    I have a question for anyone in the membership who imports shoes. I have a buyer at my company who is importing a few pairs of shoes with fabric bottoms. These shoes were previously imported without fabric bottoms. The problem for me is that these shoes are clearly intended to be worn outdoors, not indoors. […]

  • Classification: Import Q&A 2

    Does anyone use or know of HTS and/or ECCN classification software that systematically “walks you through” the classification process until the appropriate classification is determined? CBP wants us to have an audit trail which provides details as to the individual WHO determined product classifications, as well as HOW they made the determination. Does a software […]