Classification: Import

Questions and answers about Classification: Import


    QUESTION: I struggle with classifying solar stake lights every year, so I wanted to ask the membership if anyone has any tips or general guidelines you follow to help you classify these types of items. My issue lies in the fact that there are rulings in CROSS for many different classifications with different types of […]


    QUESTION: We manufacture different types of large equipment and machinery (mixing, spraying, conveyors etc) used in fresh produce and agricultural food packing houses that we ship as a unit.  These each have a single HS Code for the piece of equipment.   However, we ship replacement parts for the equipment.  One of the common replacement parts […]


    QUESTION: We are an importer of an aluminum valve body that can be used in both hand-operated and actuated valves.  When used in  hand-operated valves it would be classified as 8481.90.5000.  When used in an actuated valve it is classified as 8481.90.6000.   Our challenge? At the time of importation we have not determined which type […]


    QUESTION: In regard to the chemical reaction rule for chapters 39-40, am I correct to assume, if the material being produced (in a way that complies with the chemical reaction rule) is a combination of materials from all over the world, it still qualifies?  ============ Answers: Yes =========== The source of the input materials would […]

  • HTS for Production v. Test Parts

    QUESTION: Would test parts, especially those that are only partially completed (i.e., not able to be used in production because they are in an unfinished state) be classified under the production part HTS or under 9031.90 as an accessory to a measuring tool?  Or somewhere else? Also, would the type of test make a difference?  […]

  • Component Hierarchy within Composite Products

    QUESTION: Could any of the membership offer guidance on the proper protocol in analyzing Composite Products to determine Classification–note the USE, Application, and Customer Expectations are all the same?  My understanding is 1.) the Value of the individual component parts is most important, followed by 2.) the weight of the component parts to the whole weight, […]


    QUESTION: Could any of the membership offer guidance on the proper protocol in analyzing Composite Products to determine classification?  My understanding is 1.) the Value of the individual component parts is most important, followed by 2.) the weight of the component parts to the whole weight, then 3.) the Percentage make up of component parts to the […]

  • Classification of Spare parts, tools, Accessories and Equipment and machine Sub Assemblies

    QUESTION: Does CBP have any guidance available on the classification of subassemblies of larger machines and equipment?   I am guessing that in some cases, the subassembly could be considered a part and accessory of the piece of equipment.  But in other cases, it would be classified as a separate item.   The equipment is composed of […]


    QUESTION: I have been researching the classification of USB Cables with connectors on CROSS.  CROSS consistently comes up with two different HS Codes 8471.80 and 8544.42.  Two completely different Chapters and Headings. 8471.80 – “Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form […]

  • To Get a Binding Ruling or Not To Get a Binding Ruling?

    QUESTION: Although I have been doing my current import-focused work for the past three years, I came from an export world where tendering voluntary disclosures mitigated some potentially very heavy monetary penalties and potential export prohibitions. This seems to be a function of the way Customs law is written. With that in mind, in a […]

  • Harmonized Tariff Number/Schedule B

    QUESTION: Hello,  I have tried researching for information about a software license that is not in the form of paper, but installed inside a power sensor. I can not find any HTS or Schedule B number that I am comfortable with. Any help is appreciated. ========== In general, when commodities are shipped and imported with […]

  • EPA TSCA 20 High-Priority Substances (chemicals) HTS

    QUESTION: Does anyone have a List of HTS numbers corresponding to the 20 High-Priority Substances (chemicals) identified by EPA under TSCA that will be subject to fees? EPA is requesting manufacturers (including importers) to self-identify the import of 20 High-Priority Substances (chemicals) that may be subject to fee obligations under 40 CFR 700.45, associated with […]