Compliance KPI

Questions and answers about Compliance KPI


    QUESTION: In the case that your US Trade Compliance role has responsibility for global compliance how do you keep track of the legal requirements? Do you maintain the Customs Code for every region/country? How do you know the recordkeeping requirements, the country of origin requirements, FTA requirements etc for each country? However, in many cases, […]

  • Import Compliance ‘Quick Hit’ Reference Guides

    QUESTION: Does anyone in the group have ‘quick hit’ references guides or ‘one pagers’ that outline key import compliance areas? For instance, there could be one pagers that outline classification/valuation/NAFTA/Related Parties/etc. We are looking to supplement our import compliance manual with these for easy reference and employee training. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. %%%%%%%%%% ANSWER: […]

  • Import Compliance Manual

    QUESTION: Does anyone in the membership have the basic template for an import compliance manual?  Specifically I’m looking for subjects to cover and order.  I have  an older format, but I’m looking for the very latest, up to date recommendations. ========== Answers: Check CBPs web link to its ISA program.  You can actually find not […]


    QUESTION: At my 2 previous companies I was the global GTC director, and while I did not have direct reports, there were persons in the foreign locations doing trade compliance.  Since I was corporate we would have GTC monthly calls in each of my regions.  A good model like in any good GTC company. However, […]


    QUESTION: I am looking for time studies of various Compliance functions. For example, on average, how long does it take to classify a product in the HTS? I realize that when you are classifying items, some will be very easy, but some are very complex, and will require a lot of time. If anyone has […]


    QUESTION: I have been asked to create an import and export risk assessment work plan for my team to identify/evaluate business unit’s trade risks.  Is there anyone that can share a sample format of a risk work plan for import or export for my reference.  I have been asked for a “detailed” work plan which […]


    QUESTION: How does the membership conduct internal Trade Compliance audits (C-TPAT, Import, Export, FTA? ) ========== Answers: Wow! This question requires a handbook to answer!  This is too broad. ========== Suggest that you determine what areas of your business pose the greatest risk of non-compliance and focus on testing samples of completed transactions that encompass […]


    QUESTION: We are an importer averaging about 4K containers / trailers per year but do not have an internal compliance function, instead we have relied on our brokers to handle the entire import process. My job function is related almost entirely to supply chain security (we are C-TPAT and import from our plants in several […]


    QUESTION: If one is to start a role leading the trade compliance function of a company involved in a distribution business, what should be the critical focus areas in the first 100 days on the job in order to succeed in this role? Please provide suggestions. ========== Answers: In my opinion, understanding the company and […]


    QUESTION: I am currently working on a justification project where I have been asked the value and number of penalties assessed by CBP and CBSA over the past few years. I have been able to find CBSA data but have not found CBP data.  Does anyone know where I can access this information?  Any information […]


    QUESTION: I was recently promoted to a Trade Compliance Manager in my company. and now am eligible for a bonus. In order to receive that bonus, I need to determine measurable goals (3 levels) outside of simply doing my job and attain those goals. I have some ideas, but would like more. Would anyone be […]