Compliance KPI

Questions and answers about Compliance KPI

  • Entry Retrainsmission affect Compliance

    Question:We are an importer and a self filer.  Our current process is that the entryteam files an entry, and the compliance team reviews the entry prior tostatement date to correct any issues.   If an error is found by thecompliance team, clerical or otherwise, the entry summary is retransmitted.  Normally our retransmissions are due to […]

  • Entry Retrainsmission affect Compliance

    Question:We are an importer and a self filer.  Our current process is that the entryteam files an entry, and the compliance team reviews the entry prior tostatement date to correct any issues.   If an error is found by thecompliance team, clerical or otherwise, the entry summary is retransmitted.  Normally our retransmissions are due to […]

  • Compliance Manual

    Question:My company is a participant in ISA.  As such, we have a compliance manual with clearly defined  and documented procedures.  Our legal department recently issued directives to certain areas within the company responsible for key import functions to follow procedures on certain issues that are contrary to what is documented in the manual.  With regard […]

  • Buying Agent and Foreign Vendor Assessment Metrics

    Question: We are looking for better metrics with which to assess our foreign vendors and the buying agents we work with.  I would appreciate any lists or other tools of what standards you hold your vendors/agents to and/or how you “grade” their success in meeting those standards.

  • Compliance KPI Q&A 1

    QUESTION: What are members using to measure trade compliance effectiveness (pertains to import and export compliance) to show current compliance level vs. goal of 100% compliance (or as close to 100% as possible). What types of metrics have proven useful? As we all know, the absence of fines and penalties in an by itself is […]