Country of Origin – Marking

Questions and answers about Country of Origin – Marking

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 11

    I have a situation that I wanted to get some confirmation on regarding FTC marking. According to the FTC Textile Act, we should be able to mark our fabric goods manufactured in the US with imported fabric as “Made in USA of imported fabric”. Does anyone else use this marking or do you specify the […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 12

    1 Our sister company in Canada imports steel pipe from a vendor in the United States. Their is some additional manufacturing on the pipe in Canada and the end product is classifiable in chapter 7307.29. Under the General Statistical notes it states the use of regional value content is not useable under 7307. With this […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 14

    FTC Enforcement – Made in USA Claims: Among my many trade compliance responsibilities is adherence to the Federal Trade Commission regulations regarding “Made in USA” markings. I’m struggling with senior management over the cost related to correcting noncompliant packaging. Throwing out the potential fines as according to Title 16 isn’t swaying them. I was hoping […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 15

    Marking Question – Metal Hand Tools My company is planning on purchasing a metal hand tool with a dual function from China. One lever on the hand tool tightens the plastic strap around an item and the second lever you push to cut the excess plastic off. The company does not want a binding rule […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 16

    In the scenario where merchandise is entered into the US, received at a distribution center and then exported to a 3rd country, what are the labeling and marking requirements from a US perspective? Do the goods need to meet US requirements? The goods are not in-bond, but entered in to the US on a standard […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 17

    Based on 102.0, Scope, I conclude that 102 is for NAFTA, with a few exceptions. 134 is for marking, which also has as its source, origin determination via substantial transformation When do I use 102, when do I use 134, do I always use 102 first and then 134, irrespective of NAFTA vs. non-NAFTA, […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 18

    QUESTION ON GOODS IMPORTED FOR TRAINING: I would like the membership opinion regarding a shipment of articles for distribution to company employees at a training session next week (items are not for resale). The shipment has arrived and I would prefer to return it to the shipper, but our client insists that we attempt to […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 20

    We are importing European goods into the USA. The same product can either be made at our France or Netherlands facility but are both stored/shipped from the same warehouse. For the marking requirements, are we able to list country of origin as EU or do we specifically need to list either Netherlands or France?

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 21

    I have a question regarding country of origin marking requirements for Saudi Arabia. I was told by an in-country “expert” that the country of origin must be marked on all products imported into Saudi Arabia and there are no exceptions. My questions are: Does the outer container have to be marked as well as the […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 22

    Our company imports parts for warrantee replacement and some times we also sell them to our customers. In some cases the parts we purchase are in bulk (nuts, bolts, etc). Can the importing community provide best practices on ensuring that all parts are marked prior to delivery to the ultimate consumer? Do you require that […]