Country of Origin – Marking

Questions and answers about Country of Origin – Marking

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 23

    I am working with 1 US and 1 China manufacuturing site, 2 subcontractors – CZ and CN and 2 distribution centers- GB & NL. There is currently no process for validating COO and marking product shipping to the end user. Lots of push back why it has to be done, how to determine – is […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 24

    Need some help to determine country of origin for blending product to make a printing ink. If a product consists of 2 or 3 components. Some of them are foreign origin and another is US. One of the foreign components is the essential character of the product and the tariff number is assigned appropriately. Is […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 25

    We have several items that we OEM from China. Some are completely assembled and some are sent here in kits and we assemble in our factory. We do not have items that are completely assembled and then become something else. I just wanted to make sure our carton markings are accurate and I need to […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 26

    Question: When you have a an imported product which is packed into a plastic case and then packaged in a box for distribution to an end user, does the contents have to be marked i.e., the product as well as the plastic case although its packaged in a box and the box has the product […]

  • Country of Origin – Marking Q&A 27

    I don’t know if any of you face this – but all help is appreciated! We import components (multiple HTS / countries) and also purchase components domestically. We then assemble Transmission repair kits classified as 8708.99. We do not import any “made” kits, we do all the kitting in the US Local US CBP agrees […]