Country of Origin

Questions and answers about Country of Origin


    Question: I would like to request the input of the membership regarding Korea CustomsService “Made in U.S.A.” marking requirement. I received an e-mail last weekadvising that beginning November 1, 2009 Korea Customs Service is requiringproducts made, manufactured, or assembled in the U.S.A. be marked with U.S.ACountry of Origin. In a Korea Customs Service document it […]


    Question:   Our company sells replacement parts for our manufactured couplings.  These replacement parts consist of 1 capscrew HTS 7318.15 (COO Canada) and one locknut 7318.22 (COO Taiwan) put into a plastic bag.  Of the 2 items – the capscrew is by far the more expensive item. They are not being shipped as part of […]


    Question: We have a manufacturer located in Vietnam who is importing unframed glass mirrors from Taiwan. The mirrors will be framed in Vietnam and shipped with dressers. Framed or not the mirror is still a mirror with the same functionality.Granted it looks nicer in a frame.   Question: Is framing the mirror sufficient transformation to […]

  • Country of Origin

    Question:  We would like the membership’s opinion on the following situation: We manufacture and assemble a product consisting of multiple components from foreign countries, as well as domestic content.  If we sell that product to Canada but it does NOT meet the NAFTA rules of origin, how do we determine the county of origin for […]


    Has anyone made certificates of origin and Chamber of Commerce certified certificates of origin orderable items having an associate price? We are considering charging for them because of the time and cost involved in driving to the Chamber to get the seal put on the documents. For us the process is all manual. We want […]


    We are a U.S. export company involved in purchase resale with a manufacturer in Turkey. The goods ship direct to our customers from Turkey. Customers in Cyprus are requesting that the goods and documents state “Made in E.U.” vs. “Made in Turkey”. Can this legally be done?

  • New Country of Origin Rules

    Question: Has anyone reviewed the new uniform country of origin proposed rules? This appears to me to be a major change in origin rules, that may effectevery company. We are asking for an extension 60 days at least to comment, but would like to recommend that everyone comment to CBP so they are aware of […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 1

    How do you determine the country of origin for parts/components you are purchasing – do you physically inspect the parts as they are received, or do you require the vendor provide this information prior to shipping, or do you employ a combination? According to our purchasing group, we purchase from distributors who may, or may […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 2

    For those companies that use SAP, what rule of origin do they use to complete the “origin” boxfor products manufactured by the company?For example, I understand some companies use the NAFTA preference rules and some just use place of assembly/manufacture, while others try to implement a substantial transformation test or a tariff shift test