Country of Origin

Questions and answers about Country of Origin

  • Country of Origin Q&A 27

    Does any know if country of origin statements are required to be in print in the catalog for all products advertised in mail order catalogs, or do the rules & regulations pertain to Textile Fiber Products only?

  • Country of Origin Q&A 29

    My company is having trouble with getting the Country of Origin document legalized in the origin country (Vietnam) for import into Brazil in a timely manner. The Brazilian Consulate in Vietnam is taking up to 3 weeks to legalize the COO and will not so do until shipping docs are presented. This is a problem […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 30

    Does anyone have any advice with respect to certificate of origin issues that arise from the transshipment of goods? My company produces an agriculture product that maintains its classification and origin whether packaged or not. We often import the product in bulk, package it in the states and then export it to more than one […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 31

    I have never submitted a country of origin ruling request to customs. Any advice? My question will be – we buy bulk rolls of stamping foil an import. We then cut to size for our customer’s machines. Is that substantial transformation? Does the country of origin change? Should the tariff number change?

  • Country of Origin Q&A 32

    Are there other companies that export product that have the same sku but have different country of origins? If so, how do you document the origin declaration on your export commercial invoice? Basically what happens with us is that we use FiFo when exporting and sku’s “Made in China” or “Assembled in USA” are placed […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 33

      We are currently importing cocoa beans from different countries into North America. These blends of beans are ground down/pressed to create cocoa liquor that is then imported into the US. We were advised by CBP that we are to list all the origins of the beans as the country of origin. This causes problems […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 34

      For exports of identical product that were manufactured in the US and SG, is listing on the export commercial invoice country of origin US or SG acceptable? How do other companies handle multiple countries of origin for the same item number? A serial number is identified on the invoice and part of the serial […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 35

    In the past, our country of origin and tariff database had not been kept current as we did not have personnel to solicit to our vendors annually and keep up with the program. Since I been appointed the new task coordinating this program and ensuring our customer’s receive their certificates, I have had to convince […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 36

      Our company is sending a production line to Mexico. The line is made from some very old machinery and molds. The problem we cannot identify the molds country of origin. They have been in storage several years and history on the purchase has been lost. We THINK that they were made by a US […]

  • Country of Origin Q&A 37

      The CBP Informed Compliance Publication, “Rules of Origin” provides very little information regarding the rules of origin for determining the origin of chemicals (including bio-chemicals and pigments). Would any member have an outline or tool on how the origin is determined for chemicals and chemical mixtures (including bio-chemicals and pigments)?

  • Country of Origin Q&A 38

      Does anyone have a flowchart or perhaps series of questions (y/n) they use in training personnel on how to determine country of origin of an item? I would perfer not NAFTA or FTA related but I would love anything.