
Questions and answers about couriers

  • Obtaining express courier docs for informal shipment clearances

    Question: We are transitioning from one express courier to another.  During ourimplementation meeting we mentioned that we were not able to see a copyof the 3461 and 7501 on their website for some of the intermittentshipments that were already moving through their network. The brokerage manager explained that their system does not createindividual 3461 or […]


    Question:I know this question has popped up a lot…I am wondering if to-date anyone has found a workable solution… Nearly four years ago we revoked the POAs for the three main courier companies.  I even went as far as contacting a 4th courier company to provide them with the correct brokerage info in the event […]

  • Couriers Q&A 1

    My company is having a lot of difficulty working with a specific courier company (XXX) on post-entry issues. It is almost impossible to get corrections made to entries. I equate it to working in the old USSR. Would you go out to the membership and ask if there are any members willing to discuss directly […]

  • Couriers Q&A 2

    Repeatedly lately I’ve received import courier entries which are entered as a consolidated informal entry on the courier’s bond [our informals go on their bond, formals go on ours]. When I get the entry, I come to find they used a bogus value and that the true value would have made it require formal entry […]

  • Couriers Q&A 3

    We have been experiencing sporadic problems with courier shipments of samples out of China into the US. We have been told by our CN vendors that China Customs has put a daily limit of US$600 on courier packages. I have not been able to find a source or reference to get further details. Has anyone […]

  • Couriers Q&A 4

    Any advise on how to get our arms around couriers inbound imports? I don’t fully understand when they tell me that they clear it under their bond…..we don’t need to classify…..etc. What is my responsibility and risks of just letting them do their thing

  • Couriers Q&A 5

    Our company follows a 3 tier distribution model. To date, we have exported service parts to our distributors in Canada. To improve service rates, our Service Group would like the ability to ship parts to the service companies, customers of our distributor. They would also like to ship service parts directly to the end-user / […]

  • Couriers Q&A 6

    Question: Are importers better off, compliance-wise, being the importer of record (IOR) for express courier entries or having the express courier assume IOR process ownership and solely function as an ultimate c’nee ??? The prevailing wisdom I had always heard was to function as the IOR, take control over one’s entries and supply compliance information, […]

  • Couriers Q&A 7

    Our company follows a 3 tier distribution model. To date, we have exported service parts to our distributors in Canada. To improve service rates, our Service Group would like the ability to ship parts to the service companies, customers of our distributor. They would also like to ship service parts directly to the end-user / […]

  • Couriers Q&A 8

    My company is in the early stages of looking for a single provider to handle our small package (150lbs and below) business. Prior to asking for an RFP to the top three providers, I would like to send them a request for information (RFI) to understand their services, capabilities, global coverage, etc. Could anyone share […]

  • Couriers Q&A 9

    We are a large importer, and mainly self-file our entries. We do not currently have contracts where we do use brokers. We are recently seeing brokers, and forwarders, charging us additional fees. For example: – Courier services charging us fees to give us the entry documents required for record retention and audit – Couriers charging […]

  • Couriers Q&A 10

    We import telecommunication optic fiber cable into the US, from various sources. It is classified under HSTUS 8544700000. While we do not have a ruling from CBP, extensive analysis of the tariff and explanatory notes make the HS quite obvious, at least to people in our industry The problem is that when the shipment comes […]